#bevy-ui #ui-framework #ui #bevy #bevy-ecs #gamedev #reactive


ergonomic reactive Bevy UI library powered by FRP signals

7 releases

0.3.0 Feb 9, 2025
0.2.4 Feb 5, 2025
0.2.3 Jan 6, 2025
0.2.1 Oct 20, 2024
0.0.2-rc.2 Jun 24, 2024

#226 in Game dev

30 downloads per month



haalka হালকা

Crates.io Version Docs.rs

in bengali, haalka means "light" (e.g. not heavy) and can also be used to mean "easy"

haalka is an ergonomic reactive Bevy UI library powered by the incredible FRP signals of futures-signals and the convenient async ECS of bevy-async-ecs with API ported from web UI libraries MoonZoon and Dominator.

While haalka is primarily targeted at UI and provides high level UI abstractions as such, its core abstraction can be used to manage signals-powered reactivity for any entity, not just bevy_ui nodes.


  • Reactive updates done by haalka are eventually consistent, that is, once some ECS world state has been updated, any downstream reactions should not be expected to run in the same frame. This is due to the indirection involved with using an async signals library, which dispatches Bevy commands after polling by the async runtime. The resulting "lag" should not be noticeable in most popular cases, e.g. reacting to hover/click state or synchronizing UI (one can run the examples to evaluate this themselves), but in cases where frame perfect responsiveness is critical, one should simply use Bevy-native systems directly.

  • If one is using the text_input feature (enabled by default) and using multiple cameras in the same world, they must enable the multicam feature AND add the bevy_cosmic_edit::CosmicPrimaryCamera marker component to the primary camera.

feature flags


use bevy::prelude::*;
use haalka::prelude::*;

fn main() {
        .add_plugins((DefaultPlugins, HaalkaPlugin))
                |world: &mut World| {

struct Counter(Mutable<i32>);

fn ui_root() -> impl Element {
    let counter = Mutable::new(0);
                .with_node(|mut node| node.column_gap = Val::Px(15.0))
                .item(counter_button(counter.clone(), "-", -1))
                .item(counter_button(counter.clone(), "+", 1))
                .update_raw_el(move |raw_el| raw_el.insert(Counter(counter))),

fn counter_button(counter: Mutable<i32>, label: &str, step: i32) -> impl Element {
    let hovered = Mutable::new(false);
                .map_bool(|| Color::hsl(300., 0.75, 0.85), || Color::hsl(300., 0.75, 0.75))
        .on_click(move || *counter.lock_mut() += step)

fn camera(mut commands: Commands) {

on the web

All examples are compiled to wasm for both webgl2 and webgpu (check compatibility) and deployed to github pages.

Or run them locally with cargo.

cargo run --example counter
cargo run --example button
cargo run --example align
cargo run --example scroll
cargo run --example scroll_grid
cargo run --example snake
cargo run --example dot_counter
cargo run --example key_values_sorted
cargo run --example calculator

# ui challenges from https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/discussions/11100
cargo run --example main_menu
cargo run --example inventory
cargo run --example healthbar
cargo run --example responsive_menu
cargo run --example character_editor

Or with just, e.g. just example snake -r.

Bevy compatibility

bevy haalka
0.15 0.3
0.14 0.2
0.13 0.1


  • include submodules when fetching the repo
    git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/databasedav/haalka.git
  • install just
  • install nickel for modifying CI configuration (nickel must be in your PATH)
  • install File Watcher for automatically syncing nickels


All code in this repository is dual-licensed under either:

at your option.

Assets used in examples may be licensed under different terms, see the examples README.

your contributions

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.


~1M SLoC