#controller #interaction #firmware #component #environment #field #signal

macro firmware-controller

Controller to decouple interactions between components in a no_std environment

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Oct 14, 2024

#261 in Procedural macros

MIT license

743 lines

Firmware Controller

This crate provides a macro named controller that makes it easy to decouple interactions between components in a no_std environment.



This crate provides a macro named controller that makes it easy to write controller logic for firmware.

The controller is responsible for control of all the peripherals based on commands it receives from other parts of the code. It also notifies peers about state changes and events via signals. This macro generates all the boilerplate code and client-side API for you.


It's best described by an example so let's take example of a very simple firmware that controls an LED:

use firmware_controller::controller;

pub enum MyFirmwareError {

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Copy, Clone)]
pub enum State {

// The controller struct. This is where you define the state of your firmware.
pub struct Controller {
    state: State,
    // Other fields. Note: No all of them need to be published.

// The controller implementation. This is where you define the logic of your firmware.
impl Controller {
    // The `signal` attribute marks this method signature (note: no implementation body) as a
    // signal, that you can use to notify other parts of your code about specific events.
    pub async fn power_error(&self, description: heapless::String<64>);

    pub async fn enable_power(&mut self) -> Result<(), MyFirmwareError> {
        if self.state != State::Disabled {
            return Err(MyFirmwareError::InvalidState);

        // Any other logic you want to run when enabling power.

        self.power_error("Dummy error just for the showcase".try_into().unwrap())


    pub async fn disable_power(&mut self) -> Result<(), MyFirmwareError> {
        if self.state != State::Enabled {
            return Err(MyFirmwareError::InvalidState);

        // Any other logic you want to run when enabling power.



    // Method that doesn't return anything.
    pub async fn return_nothing(&self) {

async fn main(spawner: embassy_executor::Spawner) {
    let mut controller = Controller::new(State::Disabled);

    // Spawn the client task.

    // Run the controller logic.

// This is just a very silly client that keeps flipping the power state every 1 second.
async fn client() {
    use futures::{future::Either, stream::select, StreamExt};
    use embassy_time::{Timer, Duration};

    let mut client = ControllerClient::new();
    // SAFETY: We don't create more than 16 instances so we won't panic.
    let state_changed = ControllerState::new().unwrap().map(Either::Left);
    let error_stream = ControllerPowerError::new().unwrap().map(Either::Right);
    let mut stream = select(state_changed, error_stream);

    while let Some(event) = stream.next().await {
        match event {
            Either::Left(ControllerStateChanged {
                new: State::Enabled,
            }) => {
                // This is fine in this very simple example where we've only one client in a single
                // task. In a real-world application, you should ensure that the stream is polled
                // continuously. Otherwise, you might miss notifications.

            Either::Left(ControllerStateChanged {
                new: State::Disabled,
            }) => {

            Either::Right(ControllerPowerErrorArgs { description }) => {
                // Do something with the error.


The controller macro will generated the following for you:

  • A new method that takes the fields of the struct as arguments and returns the struct.
  • For each published field:
    • Setter for this field, named set_<field-name> (soset_state here), which broadcasts any changes made to this field.
    • Two client-side types:
      • struct named <struct-name><field-name-in-pascal-case>Changed (so ControllerStateChanged for state field), containing two public fields, named previous and new fields representing the previous and new values of the field, respectively.
      • Type named <struct-name><field-name-in-pascal-case> (so ControllerState for state field), which implements futures::Stream, yielding each state change as the change struct described above.
  • run method with signature pub async fn run(&mut self); which runs the controller logic, proxying calls from the client to the implementations here and their return value back to the clients (internally via channels). Typically you'd call it at the end of your main or run it as a task.
  • Client-side API for this struct, named <struct-name>Client (ControllerClient here) which provides exactly the same methods (except signal methods) defined in this implementation that other parts of the code use to call these methods.
  • For each signal method:
    • The method body, that broadcasts the signal to all the clients that are listening to it.
    • Two client-side types:
      • struct, named <struct-name><method-name-in-pascal-case>Args (ControllerPowerErrorArgs here), containing all the arguments of this method, as public fields.
      • Type named <struct-name><method-name-in-pascal-case> (ControllerPowerError here) which implements futures::Stream, yielding each signal broadcasted as the args struct described above.

Dependencies assumed

The controller macro assumes that you have the following dependencies in your Cargo.toml:

  • futures with async-await feature enabled.
  • embassy-sync

Known limitations & Caveats

  • Currently only works as a singleton: you can create multiple instances of the controller but if you run them simultaneously, they'll interfere with each others' operation. We hope to remove this limitation in the future. Having said that, most firmware applications will only need a single controller instance.
  • Method args/return type can't be reference types.
  • Methods must be async.
  • The maximum number of subscribers state change and signal streams is 16. We plan to provide an attribute to make this configurable in the future.
  • The type of all published fields must implement Clone and Debug.
  • The signal and published fields' streams must be continuely polled. Otherwise notifications will be missed.


~14K SLoC