1 unstable release

0.1.0 Apr 1, 2023

#280 in Emulators

MIT license

1.5K SLoC

A crate for emulating the MOS6502 processor. Meant to be used for emulators whose systems used this chip or ones similar to it, such as the NES or Commodore 64.

Using dg6502 first requires constructing a CPUMemory object that will be used by the CPU to read and write to memory, then constructing a CPU object. Instructions can be executed calling the CPU's step() function.

Support for using this as an executable is not yet done: the current main.rs code just runs nestest.

Basic Example

use dg6502::{Cpu, BasicCPUMemory, CpuConfig, JamBehavior, IllegalBehavior}

// Load a program from a file into memory, starting at 0x0.
let memory = BasicCPUMemory::from_file(&String::from("my_file.bin"), 0x0)?;

// Configure our CPU and our starting status register.
let config = CpuConfig::default()
    .bcd_support(true) // allow BCD arithmetic
    .jam_behavior(JamBehavior::Nop) // treat JAMs as NOPs
    .illegal_behavior(IllegalBehavior::Execute); // run illegal instructions

let status = StatusRegister::default();

// Initialize CPU and set our program counter to 0x0 
// (set to 0x0 by default, this is just for example)
let mut cpu = Cpu::new(memory, config, status);

// Run!
loop {
    let result = cpu.step();
    // do other stuff...

dg6502 implements both legal and illegal opcodes. dg6502 is unit tested via individual opcode tests (~10,000 per opcode) and end-to-end tested with NEStest. All fields of [Cpu] are public for you to read and write to if you need.

Implementing CPUMemory

If the BasicCPUMemory does not fit your needs (i.e you're looking for mirroring or memory mapping), you'll want to implement the CPUMemory trait on a struct you'll use for your memory.

Implementing CPUMemory is very simple as it's just two methods. read() takes in a u16 for address and returns a u8, and write() takes in a u8 operand and u16 address to write to. Go ham!


I used this project for my IB class' IA assignment. That assignment required me writing about the design of this emulator, which you could read here if you'd like (COMING SOON).


If you have any bugs, feedback, questions, issues, suggestions, etc., feel free to submit an issue to the dg6502 repository.


~108K SLoC