#database-schema #export #mysql #source #connection #shell #sqlite

app dbfish

Better database CLI tools. Export data and manage connections easier and faster.

2 releases

0.1.1 Sep 10, 2019
0.1.0 Sep 10, 2019

#2555 in Database interfaces

MIT license

3.5K SLoC


Dbfish aims to be to your standard database tools what Fish is to Bash: provide more features out of the box, look better and be easier to use.

Main features:

  • Export data to CSV, HTML, JSON, text, SQLite
  • Manage database credentials
  • Jump to database shell
  • Jump to python environment with connection being set up for you
  • display and search database schema with one command

Right now it can export data from relational database to CSV/HTML/text/SQLite file, among others. I've created this because I was frustrated with usability and functionality of out-of-the box database tools. Seriously, psql and mysql clients should do all that long ago.


    # define data source named "mydata" which will connect to a database you use
    dbfish source add mydata mysql --user joe --password secret
    dbfish source add mydata postgres --user joe --password secret
    dbfish source add mydata sqlite /tmp/somefile.sqlite3

    dbfish export SOURCE [source options] DESTINATION [destination options]
    dbfish export mydata -q 'select * from sometable' html /tmp/output.html
    dbfish export mydata -q 'select * from sometable' csv /tmp/output.csv
    dbfish export mydata -q 'select * from sometable' json /tmp/output.json

    dbfish help

    dbfish shell [--client CLIENT] SOURCE # jump to shell, dbfish supports mysql, psql, python, litecli/mycli/pgcli, sqlite
    dbfish shell mydata # use default shell
    dbfish shell -c mycli mydata # use mycli shell
    dbfish shell -c python mydata # use ipython as shell

        Variables and functions:
            conn: database connection
            cursor: connection cursor
            get_conn(): obtain database connection
            msg: function printing this message
        Python 3.6.7 (default, Oct 22 2018, 11:32:17) 
        Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
        IPython 7.4.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.
        In [1]: conn.execute('select * from sometable') 

    dbfish schema SOURCE [source options] # display database schema
    dbfish schema -q user SOURCE [source options] # display all parts of database schema that contain phrase "user"
    dbfish schema -r -q '201[89]' SOURCE [source options] # display all parts of database schema that contain 2018 or 2019

    dbfish sources add | edit | list | remove # manage database credential


  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • SQLite


  • CSV
  • HTML (done nicely using Bootstrap)
  • ODS (ODS spreadsheet)
  • SQLite file
  • text (classic table)
  • text-vertical (each column in its own line)
  • XLSX (Excel spreadsheet)


    dbfish export mysql --database users -q 'select * from users' csv somefile.csv
    dbfish export mysql --database users --user joe --password secret -q 'select * from users' sqlite -f somefile.sqlite

Fancy features:

  • manage database credentials (dbfish sources add mydata sqlite -f my_favourite_file.sqlite; dbfish export mydata ...)
  • progressbar
  • color support
  • truncate long texts
  • show database schema ( dbfish schema mydata )
  • can be compiled to a single binary with no dependencies (statically linked with musl)
  • use python or mycli as shell

TODO: (must-have before calling it usable)

  • helpful error messages
  • kill most of .unwrap()
  • debug source and destination
  • tests

TODO: (nice to have)

  • more sources (CSV, BigQuery, maybe JSON/Solr/ES/MongoDB)
  • more destinations (HDF5)
  • support a bit more MySQL and PostgreSQL features (few types were ommited)
  • kill all .unwrap()
  • compress to zip/tgz (useful for csv/text/html)
  • performance (not a priority, but nice to have)
  • have a concept of source providers to integrate with frameworks

Design principles:

  • Keep it simple. This is not a tool that translates every feature of every database perfectly.
  • Verbose errors. If something doesn't work, say it. Swallowing errors silently is not acceptable.


You will need Rust. I recommend using latest stable version. Once you have that, running cargo build --release should just work, generating target/release/dbfish binary. You will also need SQLite3 libs and C compiler installed, since its being built and linked statically, disable use_sqlite feature if that's a problem for you.

If you want to link it statically, install musl and musl-dev and follow this guide.


~364K SLoC