3 stable releases

1.1.0 Sep 5, 2024
1.0.1 Sep 5, 2024

#1213 in Command line utilities

MIT license

660 lines


A CLI tool for mod distribution

Table of Contents

Getting Started

To install Axolotl, first install cargo and run cargo install axolotl-cli. The axolotl command should now be available.


Axolotl currently supports Modrinth and GitHub Releases; Curseforge support is not planned.

Create personal access tokens (PATs) for whichever of the following you plan to distribute to:

Scopes required for Modrinth:

  • Read projects
  • Create versions

Scopes required for GitHub:

  • Repositories
    • Contents: read and write

If you chose to use Modrinth, run axolotl key set modrinth (or axolotl k s m) and enter your Modrinth PAT. If you chose to use Modrinth, run axolotl key set github (or axolotl k s g) and enter your GitHub PAT.

To remove a key. run axolotl key remove <modrinth/github> (or axolotl k r <m/g>). It will be permanently removed.


At the root of the project you want to distribute, run axolotl mod init (or axolotl m i). This should create an axolotl.toml file. This is the format and default content:

[artifact] # required
folder = "build/libs" # required; the folder with the build artifact
pattern = "mod-#.jar" # required; the artifact file name (# will be replaced with the version)
game_versions = ["1.xx"] # required; the supported minecraft versions
loaders = ["fabric", "quilt", "forge", "neoforge"] # required; the supported modloaders

[changelog] # optional
type = "editor" # required; "editor" (prompt to open an editor when publishing) or "file" (use the contents of a file)
# file = "path/to/file.md" - required if type is "file"

[modrinth] # optional
id = "modrinth project id" # required; the modrinth project id of the target project
featured = true # optional (default true); whether the new version should be featured

[[modrinth.dependencies]] # optional (may be present multiple times)
id = "P7dR8mSH" # required; the modrinth project id of the dependency (this one is fabric-api)
dependency_type = "required" # required; one of "required", "optional", "incompatible", or "embedded"

[github] # optional
repo = ["user", "repo"] # required; the target repository
draft = true # optional (default true); whether the release should be marked as a draft to review before publishing

Note that Modrinth project IDs may be found on a project page with the three dots > Copy ID.


To publish your mod, run axolotl mod publish (or axolotl m p).


Keys are stored in plaintext by default, but they may be encrypted with a passphrase (using age). Encryption makes most operations slower to start up, as keys need to be decrypted, but it provides much greater security.


Run axolotl keys encryption enable (or axolotl k e e). You will be prompted to create a passphrase - this passphrase will be requested when any action requiring the decryption of the keys is done.


Run axolotl keys encryption disable (or axolotl k e d). You will be prompted for your passphrase.


~791K SLoC