#ascii-art #web-apps #hangman #customizable #children #reward #learning


customizable Hangman game with ASCII-art rewarding for children (webapp version)

7 stable releases

5.7.2 Oct 31, 2021
5.7.0 Jun 3, 2021
5.6.0 Sep 29, 2020
5.2.2 Aug 31, 2020

#981 in Games


3.5K SLoC

title: ASCII-Hangman - hangman game for children with ASCII-art rewarding author: Jens Getreu no_filename_sync: true

Cargo Documentation License

A little game designed for primary kids to revise vocabulary in classroom. Setting up the vocabulary list is part of the learning process.

Hangman is a paper and pencil guessing game for two or more players. One player thinks of a word, phrase or sentence and the other tries to guess it by suggesting letters or numbers, within a certain number of guesses. In this version for children the computer selects a word, phrase or sentence randomly out of a word-list defined in a configuration file. As a reward, with every guessed letter, some ASCII-art is gradually disclosed. ASCII-Hangman comes with a library containing more than 300 different built-in ASCII-art images.


        ,' /, )_____
     __j o``-'
          |_\  |--^.
         /_]'|_| /_
            /_]'  /

Lifes:	7 	Last guess: k

 g o o d   l u _ k

Type a letter, then press [Enter]:

ASCII Hangman is available as a Web-Application and as a Desktop-Terminal-Application for several architectures. Try ASCII-Hangman-Web-App online.


  • simple, non distracting user interface,
  • setting up word lists is part of the learning process,
  • visual non distracting reward system with more than 300 built-in ASCII-art images,
  • no built in traditional gallows image,
  • designed for group learning in classroom,
  • fully configurable:
    • design your own ASCII-art (depending on the learning subject) and associate it with your word list,
    • provide the user with hints by disclosing some characters from the start,
  • web-application: play without installation,
  • desktop versions: play without network access,
  • open source software: guaranteed availability, always free of charge.

The first versions of ASCII-hangman were published as desktop versions only. With the rising of cyber-crime and the following security related restrictions, it became more and more difficult for teachers to install their own software. This is why from version 5.0 on, ASCII-hangman is also available as web-application.

Read more in ASCII-Hangman's user manual.


User documentation:

Developer documentation:

Source code



ASCII-Hangman web application

As the ASCII-Hangman-Web-App is hosted on https://getreu.net, there is nothing to install. Just follow the link and enjoy playing: ASCII-Hangman-Web-App

ASCII-Hangman desktop version

Building and installing

This section describes how to download and build the desktop version of ASCII-Hangman.

  1. Install Rust, e.g.

    curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh
  2. Download, compile and install:

    cargo install ascii-hangman
    sudo cp ~/.cargo/bin/ascii-hangman /usr/local/bin

    See also the user manual for a more detailed installation description.

This project follows Semantic Versioning.



  • Jens Getreu


  • Apache 2 licence or MIT licence


~131K SLoC