24 unstable releases (5 breaking)

0.6.0 Jun 17, 2022
0.5.1 Jan 3, 2022
0.5.0 Dec 13, 2021
0.4.0 Oct 25, 2021
0.2.2 Dec 14, 2020

#2151 in Database interfaces

MIT license

5.5K SLoC


Aragog CLI

pipeline status MIT licensed Crates.io dependency status

Discord Gitter

Migration and schema generation tool for aragog (crates.io).

Note: Currently, transactional operations are not supported, a failing migrations will not automatically rollback and you may need to handle some errors manually


run with cargo: cargo install aragog_cli


  • --db-host <DB_HOST> Sets the ArangoDB host (by default env var DB_HOST is used)
  • --db-name <DB_NAME> Sets the ArangoDB database name (by default env var DB_NAME is used)
  • --db-password <DB_PASSWORD> Sets the ArangoDB database user password (by default env var DB_PASSWORD is used)
  • --db-user <DB_USER> Sets the ArangoDB database user (by default env var DB_USER is used)
  • --folder <PATH> Sets the path for the migrations and schema (by default env var SCHEMA_PATH is used)
  • --aragog-collection <COLLECTION> Sets the name of the config ArangoDB collection that will be used to synchronize database and schema version (by default "AragogConfiguration" is used)


Add -v option for debug log and -vv for verbose log


Creating a Migration

Command: aragog create_migration $MIGRATION_NAME

Creates a new migration file in $SCHEMA_PATH/migrations/. If the db folder is missing it will be created automatically.

Launching migrations

Command: aragog migrate

Will launch every migration in $SCHEMA_PATH/migrations/ and update the schema according to its current version. If there is no schema it will be generated.

Rollbacking migrations

Command: aragog rollback

Will rollback 1 migration in $SCHEMA_PATH/migrations/ and update the schema according to its current version.

Command: aragog rollback $COUNT

Will rollback $COUNT migrations in $SCHEMA_PATH/migrations/ and update the schema according to its current version.

Truncate database

Command: aragog truncate_database

Will drop every graph and collection in the database.

Describe database

Command: argog describe

Will render information about the database, schema synced version and render a table describing every collection.

Discover database

Command: aragog discover

Will generate and apply a migration file for every collection, graph and index in the database not referenced in the schema.

This command is useful to force synchronization between your database state and the schema or to initialize your schema and migrations from an existing database.

Completion scripts (inspired by rustup documentation)

Command: aragog completions

Enable tab completion for Bash, Fish, Zsh, or PowerShell. The script is output on stdout, allowing one to re-direct the output to the file of their choosing. Where you place the file will depend on which shell, and which operating system you are using. Your particular configuration may also determine where these scripts need to be placed.

Here are some common set-ups for the three supported shells under Unix and similar operating systems (such as GNU/Linux).


Completion files are commonly stored in /etc/bash_completion.d/ for system-wide commands, but can be stored in ~/.local/share/bash-completion/completions for user-specific commands.

Run the command:

$ mkdir -p ~/.local/share/bash-completion/completions $ aragog completions bash >> ~/.local/share/bash-completion/completions/aragog

This installs the completion script. You may have to log out and log back in to your shell session for the changes to take effect.

BASH (macOS/Homebrew):

Homebrew stores bash completion files within the Homebrew directory. With the bash-completion brew formula installed, run the command:

$ mkdir -p $(brew --prefix)/etc/bash_completion.d $ aragog completions bash > $(brew --prefix)/etc/bash_completion.d/aragog.bash-completion


Fish completion files are commonly stored in $HOME/.config/fish/completions.

Run the command:

$ mkdir -p ~/.config/fish/completions $ aragog completions fish > ~/.config/fish/completions/aragog.fish

This installs the completion script. You may have to log out and log back in to your shell session for the changes to take effect.


ZSH completions are commonly stored in any directory listed in your $fpath variable. To use these completions, you must either add the generated script to one of those directories, or add your own to this list.

Adding a custom directory is often the safest bet if you are unsure of which directory to use. First create the directory; for this example we'll create a hidden directory inside our $HOMEdirectory:

$ mkdir ~/.zfunc

Then add the following lines to your .zshrc just before compinit:


Now you can install the completions script using the following command:

$ aragog completions zsh > ~/.zfunc/_aragog

You must then either log out and log back in, or simply run

$ exec zsh

for the new completions to take effect.


Alternatively, you could save these files to the place of your choosing, such as a custom directory inside your $HOME. Doing so will require you to add the proper directives, such as sourceing inside your login script. Consult your shells documentation for how to add such directives.


The powershell completion scripts require PowerShell v5.0+ (which comes with Windows 10, but can be downloaded separately for windows 7 or 8.1).

First, check if a profile has already been set

PS C:> Test-Path $profile

If the above command returns False run the following

PS C:> New-Item -path $profile -type file -force

Now open the file provided by $profile (if you used the New-Item command it will be ${env:USERPROFILE}\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1

Next, we either save the completions file into our profile, or into a separate file and source it inside our profile. To save the completions into our profile simply use

PS C:> aragog completions powershell >> ${env:USERPROFILE}\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1

Migration files

Every migration file looks like this:

up:     # Mandatory
  - up_command:
      options: Option
down:   # optional
  - down_command:
      options: Option

The up section launches on migrate and down on rollback. For perfect migration files, down should reverse exactly everything up does.


There is a list of all available commands for the up and down section:


- create_collection:          # Creates a colllection with
    name: CollectionName      # Mandatory name
    wait_for_sync: true       # Optional waitForSync attribute
- delete_collection:          # Deletes a collection with
    name: CollectionName      # Mandatory name
- create_edge_collection:     # Creates a edge collection
    name: EdgeCollectionName  # Mandatory name
    wait_for_sync: false      # Optional waitForSync attribute
- delete_edge_collection:     # Deletes a edge collection
    name: EdgeCollectionName  # Mandatory name


- aql: FOR i in..   # Runs a AQL command


Full parameters:

- create_graph:                         # Creates a Graph
    name: GraphName                     # Mandatory name
    edge_definitions:                   # Mandatory edge definition list
      - collection: MyEdgeCollection    # Edge Collection Name
        from: ["MyCollection"]          # List of collections for the `from` part
        to: ["MyCollection2"]           # List of collections for the `to` part
    orphan_collections:                 # Optional list of orphan collections
      - MyCollection3
    is_smart: false                     # Optional attribute (enterprise edition only)
    is_disjoint: false                  # Optional attribute (enterprise edition only)
    options:                            # Optional attribute
      smart_graph_attribute: region     # Optional attribute
      number_of_shards: 2               # Optional attribute
      replication_factor: 9             # Optional attribute
      write_concern: 8                  # Optional attribute
- delete_graph:                         # Deletes a graph   
    name: Graph                         # Mandatory name

For more information on the graph creation options see the ArangoDB Documentation

You can use it with minimal parameters:

- create_graph:                      
    name: GraphName                  
      - collection: MyEdgeCollection 
        from: ["MyCollection"]       
        to: ["MyCollection2"]        
- delete_graph:                      
    name: Graph                      


- create_index:               # Creates an Index
    name: MyIndex             # Mandatory name
    fields: ["name"]          # Mandatory index fields list
    collection: MyCollection  # Mandatory collection name (doesn't work on edge collections)
    settings:                 # Mandatory settings
      type: persistent        # Mandatory index type (hash, persistent, ttl, geospatial, fulltext, skiplist)
      unique: true
      sparse: false
      deduplicate: false
- delete_index:               # Deletes an Index
    name: MyIndex             # Mandatory name
    collection: MyCollection  # Mandatory collection

You have various parameters on the settingsaccording to index type:

Persistent index

type: persistent
unique: true
sparse: false
deduplicate: false

Hash index

type: hash
unique: true
sparse: false
deduplicate: false

SkipList index

type: skiplist
unique: true
sparse: false
deduplicate: false

TTL index

type: ttl
expireAfter: 3600

The expireAfter field is in camelCase instead of snake_case, this will be fixed in future releases

GeoSpatial index

type: geo
geoJson: false

The geoJson field is in camelCase instead of snake_case, this will be fixed in future releases

Fulltext index

type: ttl
minLength: 3600

The minLength field is in camelCase instead of snake_case, this will be fixed in future releases

Todo list

  • Migration commands:
    • edit_collection
    • check on graph creation the existence of the orphan collections
  • Transaction Support
    • Wrap migration files on transactions


~422K SLoC