#fiat-shamir #zkp #cryptography #heuristics


A Rust library for non-interactive ZKP Fiat-Shamir

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Dec 20, 2024

#742 in Algorithms

MIT license


ZKP Fiat-Shamir Library

This Rust library implements the Fiat-Shamir heuristic to enable non-interactive Zero-Knowledge Proofs (NIZK). It provides a modular implementation for proving knowledge of a discrete logarithm (DLOG) without revealing the secret value.

What is the Fiat-Shamir Heuristic?

The Fiat-Shamir heuristic is a cryptographic technique that transforms an interactive Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP) into a non-interactive proof. Instead of requiring interaction between the Prover and Verifier, it uses a cryptographic hash function to simulate the Verifier's random challenges. This makes the proof compact and suitable for use in decentralized systems like blockchains.

Process of Fiat-Shamir Heuristic

  1. Commitment: The Prover generates a commitment based on a secret value and sends it to the Verifier.
  2. Challenge: In an interactive proof, the Verifier would send a random challenge. Using the Fiat-Shamir heuristic, this challenge is replaced by a hash of the commitment and other public parameters.
  3. Response: The Prover computes a response using the secret value, the commitment, and the challenge.
  4. Verification: The Verifier uses the public parameters, commitment, challenge, and response to verify the proof.

This approach ensures the proof remains secure, non-interactive, and zero-knowledge.

For a detailed explanation, watch this Fiat-Shamir tutorial.


  • Modular Exponentiation
  • SHA-256-based Fiat-Shamir Challenge Generation
  • Proof Generation and Verification for Discrete Logarithms (DLOG)

How to Use

Public API

  1. Generate Commitment:

    let t = generate_commitment(g, r, p);
    • g: Generator
    • r: Random value
    • p: Modulus
  2. Generate Challenge:

    let c = generate_challenge(t, y, g, p);
    • t: Commitment
    • y: Public value computed as y = g^x mod p
  3. Generate Response:

    let s = generate_response(r, c, x, p);
    • r: Random value
    • c: Challenge
    • x: Secret value
  4. Verify Proof:

    let valid = verify_proof(t, y, g, s, c, p);
    • Returns true if the proof is valid, false otherwise.


use zkp_fiat_shamir_lib::*;

fn main() {
    let g = 5; // Generator
    let p = 23; // Modulus
    let x = 7; // Prover's secret

    let y = mod_exp(g, x, p); // Public value
    let r = 33; // Random commitment value
    let t = generate_commitment(g, r, p);
    let c = generate_challenge(t, y, g, p);
    let s = generate_response(r, c, x, p);

    if verify_proof(t, y, g, s, c, p) {
        println!("Proof verified!");
    } else {
        println!("Invalid proof.");

Explaining the Process Diagram

The following diagram illustrates the process of the Fiat-Shamir Zero-Knowledge Proof, detailing the roles of the Prover and Verifier, along with the flow of communication and computation.


Fiat-Shamir Process Diagram

DOT Source Code for Diagram

If you wish to regenerate the diagram, here is the Graphviz DOT source:

digraph {
    nodesep=1 rankdir=LR ranksep=1 splines=ortho
    P1 [label="Generate secret x (discrete log)\nCompute public y = g^x mod p\n\nVariables:\n  x = Prover's secret\n  g = Public generator\n  p = Public modulus" shape=box]
    P2 [label="Generate random r and compute\ncommitment t = g^r mod p\n\nVariables:\n  r = Random value (Prover)\n  t = Commitment" shape=box]
    P3 [label="Compute response s = (r + c * x) mod (p - 1)\n\nVariables:\n  s = Response (Prover)" shape=box]
    V1 [label="Compute challenge c = H(t, y, g, p)\n\nVariables:\n  c = Challenge (hash)" shape=box]
    V2 [label="Verify g^s mod p == t * y^c mod p\n\nVariables:\n  left = g^s mod p\n  right = t * y^c mod p" shape=box]
    P1 -> P2 [label="Public y available"]
    P2 -> V1 [label="Commitment t sent"]
    V1 -> P3 [label="Challenge c sent"]
    P3 -> V2 [label="Response s sent"]
    subgraph cluster_Prover {
        label=Prover style=dotted
    subgraph cluster_Verifier {
        label=Verifier style=dotted

You can use this source code with any Graphviz-compatible tool to regenerate the diagram.


Add this crate to your Cargo.toml:

zkp_fiat_shamir_lib = "0.1.0"


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.



~18K SLoC