2 releases
0.1.1 | Feb 14, 2024 |
0.1.0 | Feb 14, 2024 |
#599 in HTTP client
564 lines
yfinance-rust is a simple command line tool that downloads financial data from Yahoo Finance, like the popular package yfinance in python but with fewer features to offer.
This is not about re-creating wheels but rather a personal project to familiarise with rust programming. It offers me opportunities to learn many aspects of rust, such as
- move semantics
- lifetimes
- functional programming
- recursion with boxes
- async programming
- error and option handling
- macro (really like rust-analyzer's macro expanision ---- it is a dream.)
- cargo
- testing
- inline documenting
Apart from rust's language features, the community and the ecosystem of rust is fanscinating -- active, strong and full of quality projects and hence I have explored a few as listed in cargo.toml
- chrono: parse and process datetime objects
- clap: build cmd tools
- hyper: highly performant http server and client
- tokio: async programming made easy
- log/env_logger: great logging tool
- serde: great serialisation/deserialisation tool
project structure
├── http.rs: download from yahoo
├── main.rs: program entry + write to csv
├── options.rs: cmd args
└── v8chart.rs: data class and conversion to csv
command line options
✗ target/debug/yfinance-rust
yfinance-rust 1.0
Hongze Xia hongzex@gmail.com>
yfinance-rust <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
convert Convert yahoo finance v8 json into csv
download Download historical data from yahoo finance
help Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
✗ target/debug/yfinance-rust download -h
Download historical data from yahoo finance
yfinance-rust download [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [symbols]...
<symbols>... List of symbols to download. Required
--convert Convert JSON to CSV
-h, --help Prints help information
--include-pre-post Include pre & post market data
-V, --version Prints version information
--end <end> An end date. Default to Now
--interval <interval> select a proper interval for the data 1m goes back to 4-5 days
5m goes back to ~80 days others goes back to the initial
trading date [default: 1d] [possible values: 1m, 5m, 1d, 5d,
1wk, 1mo, 3mo]
-o, --output-dir <output-dir> Sets a output directory. The format of the output JSON looks
like `SYMBOL_20200202_20200303.json` [default: .]
--rate <rate> Request rate in terms of ms [default: 100]
--start <start> A start date to download from. Default to the initial trading
✗ target/debug/yfinance-rust convert -h
Convert yahoo finance v8 json into csv
yfinance-rust convert [FLAGS] <input-dir>
<input-dir> input_dir where the JSONs live
-h, --help Prints help information
--recursive whether to walk the input_dir recursively
-V, --version Prints version information
✗ RUST_LOG=info target/debug/yfinance-rust download --convert -o target/output AAPL MSFT NVDA TSLA
[2021-01-26T05:05:24Z INFO yfinance_rust::options] Opts { subcmd: Download(DownloadOpts { symbols: ["AAPL", "MSFT", "NVDA", "TSLA"], start: None, end: None, include_pre_post: false, output_dir: "target/output", interval: "1d", rate: MyDuration { duration: 100ms }, convert: true }) }
[2021-01-26T05:05:27Z INFO yfinance_rust::http] downloaded "target/output/NVDA_init_20210126.json"
[2021-01-26T05:05:28Z INFO yfinance_rust::http] downloaded "target/output/TSLA_init_20210126.json"
[2021-01-26T05:05:29Z INFO yfinance_rust::http] downloaded "target/output/MSFT_init_20210126.json"
[2021-01-26T05:05:29Z INFO yfinance_rust::http] downloaded "target/output/AAPL_init_20210126.json"
[2021-01-26T05:05:29Z INFO yfinance_rust::http] have successfully download 4 of 4
[2021-01-26T05:05:30Z INFO yfinance_rust] successfully converted to "target/output/AAPL_init_20210126.csv"
[2021-01-26T05:05:30Z INFO yfinance_rust] successfully converted to "target/output/MSFT_init_20210126.csv"
[2021-01-26T05:05:31Z INFO yfinance_rust] successfully converted to "target/output/NVDA_init_20210126.csv"
[2021-01-26T05:05:31Z INFO yfinance_rust] successfully converted to "target/output/TSLA_init_20210126.csv"
~410K SLoC