1 unstable release

0.1.0 Sep 12, 2021

#923 in Command-line interface

MIT license

150 lines


Useful for validating answers of a CLI prompt.


extern crate yesorno;

fn main() {
  let is_yes = yesorno::is_yes("yes"); 
  println!("Is Yes ? : {}", is_yes);

  let is_no = yesorno::is_no("no"); 
  println!("Is No ? : {}", is_no);

  let is_lenient_yes = yesorno::is_lenient_yes("yrs"); 
  println!("Is lenient Yes ? : {}", is_lenient_yes);

  let is_lenient_no = yesorno::is_lenient_no("ni"); 
  println!("Is lenient No ? : {}", is_lenient_no);

  let is_yes_false = yesorno::is_yes("no"); 
  println!("Is Yes ? : {}", is_yes_false);

What is lenient ?

Use key distance based score to leniently accept typos of yes and no. This is slightly simple the original algorithm solved here in perl

Keyboard distance for fuzzy string matching. Keyboard distance is a measure of the physical distance between two keys on a keyboard. For example, 'g' has a distance of 1 from the keys 'r', 't', 'y', 'f', 'h', 'v', 'b', and 'n'. Immediate diagonals (like ''r, 'y', 'v', and 'n') are considered to have a distance of 0.75 and others are considered 0.25.

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