yaml-rust2 is used at run time in 122 crates (of which 24 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 39 crates. It's used at build time in 1 crate (). It's used only as a dev dependency in 1 crate.

Number of dependers yaml-rust2 version Downloads/month
51 0.9.0 173K
72 0.8.1 277K
1 0.5.0 0
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) yaml-rust2 version
1.1M 785 config optional ^0.9
203K 7 treediff optional ^0.8
36K 2 serde_yaml2 ^0.8.0
27K 10 yaml-merge-keys ~0.8
8.1K 1 starship ^0.9.0
3.7K ros2_helpers ^0.9.0
3.4K 4 marked-yaml ^0.9
5.6K 17 gray_matter optional ^0.8.0
650 git-ar ^0.9.0
550 3 cw-orch-starship ^0.8
500 kos ^0.9
410 1 metadata-gen ^0.9
360 svdtools ^0.9
170 4 kos_core ^0.9
160 nixify ^0.8.0
130 garden-tools ^0.9
130 seam ^0.9.0
120 1 merde_yaml ^0.8.1
110 yabe-gitops ^0.8.1
hid-recorder ^0.8.1
1 juiz_macro ^0.9.0
swiftlint-autodetect ^0.8.1
cardchapter ^0.8
shmy ^0.9
1 yaml-hash ^0.9.0
1 juiz_core ^0.9.0
kubectl-check ^0.9.0
1 arb-lib ^0.8
floki ^0.9.0
1 juiz_sdk ^0.9.0
palette-cli ^0.9.0
escp 0.*
470 1 dd-manifest-tree optional ^0.9.0
380 rs-opw-kinematics optional ^0.9
280 blue-build optional ^0.9
250 docker_compose_spec optional ^0.9
210 3 actix-cloud optional ^0.9
2 celesteloader optional ^0.8
okcodes-config optional ^0.8