9 releases
0.0.9 | Dec 27, 2020 |
0.0.8 | Jul 25, 2019 |
0.0.7 | Jun 16, 2019 |
0.0.5 | Mar 12, 2018 |
0.0.1 | Sep 29, 2017 |
#288 in Text editors
XRL (Xi Rpc Lib) is an implementation of a client for Xi RPC. It is used to build xi-tui.
It is still work in progress, but the major features are already in place.
is a Tokio based library to build clients for the Xi editor. The
challenge with Xi RPC is that endpoints are both client (sending
requests/notifications) and server (handling incoming
extern crate futures;
extern crate tokio;
extern crate xrl;
use futures::{future, Future, Stream};
use xrl::*;
// Type that represent a `xi-core` peer. It implements `Frontend`,
// which means it can handle notifications and requests from
// `xi-core`.
struct MyFrontend {
// This is not actually used in this example, but if we wanted to
// our frontend could use a `Client` so that it could send
// requests and notifications to `xi-core`, instead of just
// handling incoming messages.
client: Client,
// Implement how our client handles notifications & requests from the core.
impl Frontend for MyFrontend {
type NotificationResult = Result<(), ()>;
fn handle_notification(&mut self, notification: XiNotification) -> Self::NotificationResult {
use XiNotification::*;
match notification {
Update(update) => println!("received `update` from Xi core:\n{:?}", update),
ScrollTo(scroll) => println!("received `scroll_to` from Xi core:\n{:?}", scroll),
DefStyle(style) => println!("received `def_style` from Xi core:\n{:?}", style),
AvailablePlugins(plugins) => {
println!("received `available_plugins` from Xi core:\n{:?}", plugins)
UpdateCmds(cmds) => println!("received `update_cmds` from Xi core:\n{:?}", cmds),
PluginStarted(plugin) => {
println!("received `plugin_started` from Xi core:\n{:?}", plugin)
PluginStoped(plugin) => {
println!("received `plugin_stoped` from Xi core:\n{:?}", plugin)
ConfigChanged(config) => {
println!("received `config_changed` from Xi core:\n{:?}", config)
ThemeChanged(theme) => println!("received `theme_changed` from Xi core:\n{:?}", theme),
Alert(alert) => println!("received `alert` from Xi core:\n{:?}", alert),
AvailableThemes(themes) => {
println!("received `available_themes` from Xi core:\n{:?}", themes)
FindStatus(status) => println!("received `find_status` from Xi core:\n{:?}", status),
ReplaceStatus(status) => {
println!("received `replace_status` from Xi core:\n{:?}", status)
AvailableLanguages(langs) => {
println!("received `available_languages` from Xi core:\n{:?}", langs)
LanguageChanged(lang) => {
println!("received `language_changed` from Xi core:\n{:?}", lang)
type MeasureWidthResult = Result<Vec<Vec<f32>>, ()>;
// we don't actually use the `request` argument in this example,
// hence the attribute.
fn handle_measure_width(&mut self, request: MeasureWidth) -> Self::MeasureWidthResult {
struct MyFrontendBuilder;
impl FrontendBuilder for MyFrontendBuilder {
type Frontend = MyFrontend;
fn build(self, client: Client) -> Self::Frontend {
MyFrontend { client }
fn init_xrl() {
tokio::run(future::lazy(move || {
// spawn Xi core
let (client, core_stderr) = spawn("xi-core", MyFrontendBuilder {}).unwrap();
// start logging Xi core's stderr
.for_each(|msg| {
println!("xi-core stderr: {}", msg);
.map_err(|_| ()),
let client_clone = client.clone();
// Xi core expects the first notification to be
// "client_started"
.client_started(None, None)
.map_err(|e| eprintln!("failed to send \"client_started\": {:?}", e))
.and_then(move |_| {
let client = client_clone.clone();
.map(|view_name| println!("opened new view: {}", view_name))
.map_err(|e| eprintln!("failed to open a new view: {:?}", e))
.and_then(move |_| {
// Forces to shut down the Xi-RPC
// endoint. Otherwise, this example would keep
// running until the xi-core process
// terminates.
println!("shutting down");
~191K SLoC