#xml #csp #combinatorial #parser #xcsp3


xcsp3-rust is a library that help constraint programming solvers implemented by Rust to read XCSP3 files

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Sep 14, 2023

#1757 in Algorithms

MIT license



xcsp3 xcsp3rust docs.rs MSRV License


This lib is implemented by rust and is licensed under the MIT license.

The purpose of this library is to read XCSP files into rust constraint programming solvers.

You can learn about the semantics of XCSP3 through this site http://xcsp.org/.

I will keep improving this code to support more constraints and fix possible bugs.

If you have something to tell me, feel free to contact me.


Just add the following dependency to your project's Cargo.toml file:

xcsp3-rust = "0.1.0"

The library is automatically built and statically linked to your binary.


    fn main()
        let xml_file = ".//instances//my-example.xml";
        let model = XcspXmlModel::from_path(xml_file).unwrap();
        let variable = model.build_variables();
        for v in variable.iter() {
            println!("\t{}", v);
            match v {
                XVariableType::XVariableNone(_) => {}
                XVariableType::XVariableArray(_) => {}
                XVariableType::XVariableInt(_) => {}
                XVariableType::XVariableTree(_) => {}
        for c in model.build_constraints(&variable).iter_mut() {
            println!("\t{}", c);
            match c {
                XConstraintType::XConstraintNone(_) => {}
                XConstraintType::XExtension(_) => {}
                XConstraintType::XAllDifferent(_) => {}
                XConstraintType::XAllDifferentExcept(_) => {}
                XConstraintType::XInstantiation(_) => {}
                XConstraintType::XAllEqual(_) => {}
                XConstraintType::XOrdered(_) => {}
                XConstraintType::XRegular(_) => {}
                XConstraintType::XMdd(_) => {}
                XConstraintType::XIntention(_) => {}
                XConstraintType::XGroup(_) => {}
                XConstraintType::XSum(_) => {}
                XConstraintType::XMaximum(_) => {}
                XConstraintType::XMinimum(_) => {}
                XConstraintType::XElement(_) => {}
                XConstraintType::XSlide(_) => {}
                XConstraintType::XCount(_) => {}
                XConstraintType::XNValues(_) => {}
                XConstraintType::XCardinality(_) => {}
                XConstraintType::XChannel(_) => {}
                XConstraintType::XCumulative(_) => {}
                XConstraintType::XNoOverlap(_) => {}
                XConstraintType::XStretch(_) => {}
        for o in model.build_objectives(&variable).iter() {
            println!("\t{}", o);
            match o {
                XObjectivesType::XObjectiveNone(_) => {}
                XObjectivesType::Minimize(e) => match e {
                    XObjective::XObjectiveElement(_) => {}
                    XObjective::XObjectiveExpression(_) => {}
                XObjectivesType::Maximize(e) => match e {
                    XObjective::XObjectiveElement(_) => {}
                    XObjective::XObjectiveExpression(_) => {}

Architecture Graph

main architecture

graph BT
A["XCSP(xml file)"] --serde--> B(XcspXmlModel)
B --parser--> C([XVariableSet])
B --parser--> D([XConstraintSet])
B --parser--> E([XObjectivesSet])
C --reader--> F[/example.rs/]
D --reader--> F
E --reader--> F


graph LR
    C([XVariableSet]) -.->XVariableType(XVariableType)
    XVariableType -->  XVariableArray(XVariableArray)
    XVariableType -->  XVariableInt(XVariableInt)
    XVariableType -->  XVariableTree(XVariableTree)
    XVariableTree -.domain.->  XDomainInteger(XDomainInteger)
    XVariableInt -.domain.->  XDomainInteger
    XVariableArray -.domain.->  XDomainInteger
    XDomainInteger -.-> XIntegerType(XIntegerType)
    XIntegerType -->IntegerValue(IntegerValue)
    XIntegerType -->IntegerInterval(IntegerInterval)
    XIntegerType -->XIntegerSymbolic(XIntegerSymbolic)


graph LR
    D([XConstraintSet]) -.-> XConstraintType(XConstraintType)
    XConstraintType -->  XExtension(XExtension) -.scope.-> Scope(XVarVal)
    XConstraintType --> XAllDifferent(XAllDifferent)-.scope.-> Scope
    XConstraintType --> XAllDifferentExcept(XAllDifferentExcept)-.scope.-> Scope
    XConstraintType --> XInstantiation(XInstantiation)-.scope.-> Scope
    XConstraintType --> XAllEqual(XAllEqual)-.scope.-> Scope
    XConstraintType --> XOrdered(XOrdered)-.scope.-> Scope
    XConstraintType --> XRegular(XRegular)-.scope.-> Scope
    XConstraintType -->XMdd(XMdd)-.scope.-> Scope
    XConstraintType -->XIntention(XIntention)-.scope.-> Scope
    XConstraintType -->XGroup(XGroup)-.scope.-> Scope
    XConstraintType -->XSum(XSum)-.scope.-> Scope
    XConstraintType -->XMaximum(XMaxMin)-.scope.-> Scope
    XConstraintType -->XMinimum(XMaxMin)-.scope.-> Scope
    XConstraintType -->XElement(XElement)-.scope.-> Scope
    XConstraintType -->XSlide(XSlide)-.scope.-> Scope
    XConstraintType -->XCount(XCount)-.scope.-> Scope
    XConstraintType -->XNValues(XNValues)-.scope.-> Scope
    XConstraintType -->XCardinality(XCardinality)-.scope.-> Scope
    XConstraintType -->XChannel(XChannel)-.scope.-> Scope
    XConstraintType -->XCumulative(XCumulative)-.scope.-> Scope
    XConstraintType -->XNoOverlap(XNoOverlap)-.scope.-> Scope
    XConstraintType -->XNoOverlapKDim(XNoOverlap)-.scope.-> Scope
    XConstraintType --> XStretch(XStretch)-.scope.-> Scope
    Scope -->IntVar(IntVar is a variable)
    Scope -->IntVal(IntVal is a value)


graph LR
    E([XObjectivesSet]) -.-> T(XObjectivesType)
%%    XVariableArray(XVariableArray)
    T --> Minimize(Minimize)
    T --> Maximize(Maximize)
    Minimize --> XObjective(XObjective)
    Maximize --> XObjective(XObjective)
    XObjective --> XObjectiveElement(XObjectiveElement)
    XObjective --> XObjectiveExpression(XObjectiveExpression)


MIT License


luhan zhen

tip: Maybe my code is not the best, but I will keep improving it to better build our 'CP' community.


~128K SLoC