x509 is used at run time in 33 crates (of which 5 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 9 crates.

Number of dependers x509 version Downloads/month
32 0.2.0 29K
1 0.1.2 0
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) x509 version
14K 6 apple-codesign ^0.2.0
3.6K sshcerts optional ^0.2
4 openpgp-x509-sequoia ^0.2
age-plugin-yubikey ^0.2
1 openpgp-pkcs11-sequoia ^0.2
2 redact-crypto ^0.2.0
1 openpgp-piv-sequoia ^0.2
cert-gen ^0.2.0
x509-ca ^0.1