#ui #compile #link #wx-widgets #build #cpp


Compile your wxWidgets c++ code and link with wxWidgets in build.rs files

1 stable release

1.0.0 Jul 17, 2019

#1129 in GUI

MIT license

171 lines

To compile your wxWidgets c++ code and link with wxWidgets in build.rs files.

Supported targets: macos and x86_64-pc-windows-msvc

// Will compile all cpp files in my_cpp_folder.
// MyApp is name of my class extending wxApp
wxbuild_rs:build("my_cpp_folder",true, "MyApp");

Environment variables:

WX_CONFIG - path to wx-config script for non windows targets, if not set it will require wx-config to be present in $PATH

WX_DIR - on windows, path to wxWidgets folder. It assumes it was compiled static for x64 with VC.

