1 unstable release

0.1.0 Apr 3, 2020

#570 in Games

Custom license


Words With Coworkers

Feeling too productive at work recently? Play a nice game of scrabble on the company slack!

How it looks

How to Install

The app is currently not an official slack bot, so it will need to be manually installed on your workspace.

1. Install emojipack

The scrabble board is rendered using emojis. You will have to install the emoji pack. Thankfully, there's a easy utility to do so!

We use the emojipacks cli tool.

# Get the emojipacks file defined in this repo
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Tyler-Zhang/words-with-coworkers-slack-bot/master/emojis.yml

# Install emojipacks cli tool
$ npm install -g emojipacks

$ emojipacks

Slack subdomain: 20percentclub
Email address login: andyjiang@gmail.com
Password: *********
2FA Code: 123456  #  if 2FA is enabled
Path or URL of Emoji yaml file: ./emojis.yml

2. Install the bot on your workspace

  • Goto https://api.slack.com/apps and log in to your workspace
  • Press Create New App
  • Set App Name to Words With Coworkers and Development Slack Workspace to your workspace
  • Go to Create New Command in the left hand side navigator And input the following values:

3. Start playing!

Boom, you're done! Go to your slack workspace and use the command /scrabbler help for instructions on how to play.

You can play for as long as my Heroku Dyno is up :D.

Why rust?

Why not?


  • Make into an actual slack app (implement OAuth)
  • Verify webhook signatures
  • Make user interface easier to understand
  • Feature to wipe all slack-bot messages after the game is done


~53K SLoC