#windows #winfsp #mountpoint #fuse #os-windows-api


Helper to allow delayload for WinFSP's dll

2 releases

0.1.1 Aug 22, 2023
0.1.0 Aug 22, 2023

#7 in #mountpoint



Winfsp Wrapper Rust

actions status


WinFSP must be installed:

choco install winfsp

Run example

cargo run -p memfs my-mountpoint


Download winfsp-tests: https://github.com/winfsp/winfsp/releases/

winfsp-tests itself depends on WinFSP's DLL, hence the easiest way to avoid troubles is to put the winfsp-tests executable in the C:/Program Files (x86)/WinFsp/bin/ install folder (the alternative being to copy C:/Program Files (x86)/WinFsp/bin/winfsp-x64.dll in the directory where winfsp-tests executable resides).

Re-generate WinFSP bindgen code

(This is only needed when WinFSP headers change)

Rust bindgen CLI must be installed

cargo install bindgen-cli

On top of that, Clang is needed by rust-bindgen for parsing WinFSP C++ API headers.

To install Clang (also see rust-bindgen doc):

winget install LLVM.LLVM
set LIBCLANG_PATH="C:\Program Files\LLVM\bin"

Then to re-generate:

python scripts/generate_bindgen.py  winfsp_wrs_sys/src/gen.rs

No runtime deps