5 releases
0.1.6 | Aug 1, 2024 |
0.1.5 | Jul 26, 2024 |
0.1.3 | May 29, 2024 |
#295 in GUI
64 downloads per month
Used in notify-send-win
458 lines
English | 简体中文
win-toast-notify is a Rust library for sending Windows Toast notifications. This library is primarily inspired by the following projects:
This library has been tested on Windows 11.
Important Notice: This library is currently in an unstable state.
For detailed usage and API reference, please refer to the documentation.
For recent changes and updates, see the CHANGELOG.
# Cargo.toml
win-toast-notify = "0.1.6"
cargo run --example basic
use win_toast_notify::WinToastNotify;
fn main() {
"This is a simple toast message"
.expect("Failed to show toast notification")
cargo run --example button # button_2
use win_toast_notify::{WinToastNotify, Action, ActivationType};
fn main() {
Action {
activation_type: ActivationType::Protocol,
action_content: "Url".to_string(),
arguments: "https://www.google.com/".to_string(),
image_url: None
Action {
activation_type: ActivationType::Protocol,
action_content: "File".to_string(),
arguments: r"C:\Windows\Web\Screen\img104.jpg".to_string(),
image_url: None
Action {
activation_type: ActivationType::Protocol,
action_content: "Folder".to_string(),
arguments: r"$env:USERPROFILE\Downloads".to_string(), // PowerShell supports using environment variables
image_url: None
.expect("Failed to show toast notification");
cargo run --example advance
use win_toast_notify::*;
use std::env;
fn main() {
let current_dir = env::current_dir().expect("Failed to get current directory");
let logo_path = current_dir.join("examples/album_artist.png");
let image_path = current_dir.join("examples/album_cover.jpg");
let introduce_url = "https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Hope_Is_the_Thing_With_Feathers";
let music_url = "https://t.co/6urFxrI6K0";
let music_lyric = "https://x.com/honkaistarrail/status/1789149010831569254";
.set_open(introduce_url) // 点击通知的打开链接或文件(夹)
.set_title("Hope Is the Thing With Feathers - Robin")
"Heads up the wheels are spinning\nAcross the plains in valleys deep",
"To dawn the wheels that sing\nAn unending dream"
.set_logo(logo_path.to_str().expect("Path is an invalid unicode"), CropCircle::True)
.set_image(image_path.to_str().expect("Path is an invalid unicode"), ImagePlacement::Top)
Action {
activation_type: ActivationType::Protocol,
action_content: "Listen".to_string(),
arguments: music_url.to_string(),
image_url: None,
Action {
activation_type: ActivationType::Protocol,
action_content: "Lyric".to_string(),
arguments: music_lyric.to_string(),
image_url: None,
.set_audio(Audio::WinLoopingAlarm5, Loop::True)
.expect("Failed to show toast notification")
Progress Bat
cargo run --example progress_bat_2
use win_toast_notify::{WinToastNotify, CropCircle, Duration};
use std::env;
fn main() {
let current_dir = env::current_dir().expect("Failed to get current directory");
let logo_path = current_dir.join("examples/progress_logo.png");
let tag = "star-rail";
let title = "Honkai: Star Rail";
let mut status = String::from("Downloading...");
let mut value = 0.0;
let mut value_string = String::from("0%");
.set_title("Downloading miHoYo Game...")
"May This Journey Lead Us Starward"
.set_logo(logo_path.to_str().expect("Path is an invalid unicode"), CropCircle::True)
.set_progress(tag, title, &status, value, &value_string)
.expect("Failed to show toast notification");
for i in 1..=10 {
value = i as f32 / 10.0;
if i != 10 {
value_string = format!("{:.1}%", value * 100.0);
WinToastNotify::progress_update(None, tag, value, &value_string).expect("Failed to update");
} else {
status = String::from("Completed");
value_string = String::from("100%");
WinToastNotify::progress_complete(None, tag, &status, &value_string).expect("Failed to complete");