#type #macro #erasure #impl-trait


Provides macros that erase the type of any value into an impl Trait for a given trait

3 releases (stable)

Uses old Rust 2015

1.0.1 Oct 12, 2019
1.0.0 Sep 27, 2019
0.1.0 Sep 1, 2017

#2758 in Rust patterns

MIT license



crates.io badge documentation License: MIT

whiteout provides macros that erase the type of any value into an impl Trait for a given trait. This gives you a value that can only be use with the methods of that trait, and whose type is unnameable.

#[macro_use] extern crate whiteout;
fn main() {
    let a = erase!(10, std:ops::Add<i64, Output=i64>);
    assert_eq!(a + 10, 20);

Since we sometimes want to use these values together, whiteout provides both a one-time macro and a macro that produces a function which returns a consistent unnameable type, allowing multiple erased values to be used in conjunction. See the documentation for more info.


whiteout provides macros that erase the type of any value into an impl Trait for a given trait.


Single values can be erased using the erase! macro.

let a = erase!(10, std::ops::Add<i64, Output=i64>);
let b = erase!(5, std::ops::Add<i64, Output=i64>);
assert_eq!(a + 10, 20);
assert_eq!(b + 10, 15);
// This fails, the types are opaque
// assert_eq!(a + b, 15);

These erased values can't be used together, though; they have different anonymized types. Therefore, you sometimes need the eraser! macro.

extern crate whiteout;

// Define a custom trait into which types will be erased.
trait MyTrait: 
    std::ops::Add<Self, Output=Self>  // Allow the operation we need
    + std::convert::From<i32>  // Allow converting from concrete values
    + std::fmt::Debug  // Allow printing (for use with assert!())
    + PartialEq  // Allow comparison (for use with assert_eq!())

// Implement MyTrait for all possible types.
impl<T> MyTrait for T 
    where T: std::ops::Add<Self, Output=Self> 
    + std::convert::From<i32> 
    + std::fmt::Debug
    + PartialEq

// Create an eraser function for the custom trait
eraser!(erase_my_trait, MyTrait);

fn main() {
    // Use the eraser function. 
    // If we used erase!(10, MyTrait); for these
    // they would be of different types.
    let a = erase_my_trait(10);
    let b = erase_my_trait(5);
    assert_eq!(a + b, 15.into());

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