Cargo Features

web-audio-api = { version = "1.2.0", default-features = false, features = ["mp3", "ogg", "flac", "wav", "aac", "m4a", "alac", "cpal", "cubeb", "cpal-jack", "cpal-asio", "iai"] }
default = alac, cpal, flac, m4a, mp3, ogg, wav

These default features are set whenever web-audio-api is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

mp3 default

Enables decode-mp3 of creek, mp3 of symphonia

ogg default

Enables decode-ogg and decode-vorbis of creek, ogg and vorbis of symphonia

flac default

Enables decode-flac of creek, flac of symphonia

wav default

Enables decode-pcm and decode-wav of creek, pcm and wav of symphonia

aac m4a

Enables decode-aac of creek and aac of symphonia


Enable specific codecs and formats.
TODO: Use "dep:" after MSRV is raised to >= 1.60.

m4a default = aac

Enables decode-isomp4 of creek, isomp4 of symphonia

alac default

Enables decode-alac and decode-isomp4 of creek, alac and isomp4 of symphonia

cpal default cpal-asio? cpal-jack?

Enables cpal


Enables cubeb ^0.13

cpal-jack = cpal

Enables jack of cpal

cpal-asio = cpal

Enables asio of cpal


Only available on Windows. See README for setup instructions.


WebAudioAPI has 13 features without comments.