#limit #warnings #defined #toml #log #kinds #count

app wcnt

A program to count your warnings inside log files and comparing them against defined limits

1 unstable release

0.4.0 Nov 20, 2019

#16 in #kinds




Warning Counter (wcnt) is a small command line utility to count the number of warnings in log files, and compare them to defined limits. Useful in CI environments where you want to ensure the number or warnings does not increase.

The kinds of warnings are defined in Wcnt.toml which should be located at the root of your project. Limits are defined in Limits.toml which are then valid for source files in that tree of directories on the file system. You can have multiple Limits.toml files and place them where you see fit. Perhaps one per component, or subsystem, whichever fits your project the best. If the system does not find a Limits.toml file when searching for a set limit, it will use 0 for a limit, so be sure you specify your limits!

Example Wcnt.toml

Below follows an example Wcnt.toml file, defining rules for the two kinds gcc and flake8.

regex = "^(?P<file>[^:]+):(?P<line>\\d+):(?P<column>\\d+): warning: (?P<description>.+) \\[(?P<category>.+)\\]"
files = ["**/compilation.log", "**/build.log"]

regex = "^(?P<file>[^:]+):(?P<line>\\d+):(?P<column>\\d+): (?P<category>[^\\s]+) (?P<description>.+)$"
files = ["**/lint.log"]

Inside Wcnt.toml, you define a map for each "kind" of warning you want to search for, and how to search for it. Required settings for each are regex and files. The regex value must define a file capture group, so we know which file was responsible for each particular warning, and thus, which Limits.toml should be used.

The capture groups line, column, category and description are optional and allows the system to disregard multiples of the same warning (Useful for header files). The category key also allows you to define individual limits for different categories.

In order to be able to use per-category limits, your regex must define a category capture group. Otherwise the system will abort when parsing the Limits.toml file. This is to prevent a false sense of security.

Example Limits.toml

Below follows an example Limits.toml file where flake8 warnings are capped at 300, and gcc warnings are separated into a few different categories. You can use inf to allow any number of warnings, and _ is the wildcard category. It matches any category you have not already defined. When using per-category limits, it's always wise to include the wildcard category, otherwise the limit is zero.

flake8 = 300 

-Wpedantic = 3
-Wcomment = inf
-Wunused-variable = 2 
_ = 0

Note: Per-category definitions must be at the end of file, because of how TOML works.

When not using per-category limits, all categories are counted towards the same limit. In other words, these two ways of defining limits are equivalent.

kind = 1


_ = 1

You can have multiple Limits.toml files

Every warning from a source file are counted towards the Limits.toml file that are closest to it going straight up file system tree. In the example below, component_a and component_b share the limits defined in project/src/Limit.toml while component_c has its own limits. This is useful if you have some component that should have extra strict, or extra loose rules. Such as a newly developed piece of code, or a vendored third party dependency or legacy code.

├── Wcnt.toml
├── src
│   ├── Limits.toml
│   ├── component_a
│   │   ├── source.c
│   │   ├── interface.h
│   │   └── utility.py
│   ├── component_b
│   │   ├── binary.c
│   │   ├── code.c
│   │   └── interface.h
│   └── component_c
│       ├── Limits.toml
│       ├── rustmodule.rs
│       └── glue.c
└── build
    ├── compilation.log
    └── lint.log

Infinite limits

If you've got a particular kind of warning that you do not want to bother with for a certain part of the code base, you can specify the limit to be inf, like so:

-Wbothersome = inf

This is useful if you've got vendored code, or experimental code, which you do not want or can keep to the same standard as your production code, but still want to compile with otherwise the exact same settings.


The tool can automatically update/lower and prune your Limits.toml files. When you have zero warnings, with the flag --update-limits the following limits:

-Wpedantic = 3
-Wcomment = 3
-Wunused-variable = 2

turns into

-Wpedantic = 0
-Wcomment = 0
-Wunused-variable = 0

Note: --update-limits does not touch limits set to inf.

With the addition of --prune, the above limits are reduced to

gcc = 0

Note: --prune also does not touch limits set to inf.

It is strongly recommended to have a automated recurring task which runs wcnt --update-limits [--prune] and commits the results into your repository, so you can ensure that the limits are indeed lowered over time.

Partial runs

In some circumstances, you don't want to (or can't) have all warnings available at once. For example if you compile your C code using both GCC and MSVC/XCode. Then you can pass arguments using the --only flag, to run the tool for only that or those kinds of warnings. This functionality integrates with --update-limits and does not remove limits from your Limits.toml files. If you have recurring jobs automatically making commits to lower your limits, you will have to take care of any merge conflicts yourself.

Output from --help

$ wcnt --help
Warning Counter (wcnt) 0.4.0
Mikael Silvén <mikael@silven.nu>
A program to count your warnings inside log files and comparing them against defined limits.

    wcnt [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help             Prints help information
    -V, --version          Prints version information
        --update-limits    Update the Limit.toml files with lower values if no violations were found.
        --prune            Also aggressively prune Limits.toml files to more minimal forms (requires --update-limits).
    -v                     Be more verbose. (-vv for very verbose)
        --all              Also print non-violating warnings. (if verbose or very verbose)

        --only <KIND>...        Run the check only for these kinds of warnings.
        --start <DIR>           Start search in this directory (instead of cwd)
        --config <Wcnt.toml>    Use this config file. (Instead of <start>/Wcnt.toml)

Design goals

  • Wcnt tries to not do too many things.
  • It does try to be flexible, so your build system doesn't have to be.
  • Wcnt should not give a false sense of security.

Open issues

  • I have not yet decided how to handle warnings that originate from outside your codebase. Hopefully you can use -isystem for these things.
  • Windows paths are bothersome, and if your tool outputs \\?\-style paths you might be in trouble.
  • I'd like to have a "remapping" feature, so you can analyse your warnings even if they use absolute paths, and where generated on a different system than where you analyze them.

Installation and Building

Until I have published Wcnt to crates.io you can find binaries at the Github Releases Page. Sorry about that.

Wcnt should also build normally with cargo.

cargo build --release


Warning Counter (Wcnt) is licensed under the Apache 2.0 (http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) License. It may be used in free software as well as closed-source applications, both for commercial and non-commercial use under the conditions given in the license.


Any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work must also be Apache2 licensed.


~215K SLoC