1 unstable release

0.2.0 Feb 17, 2021

#41 in #cloudflare-workers


822 lines


Use OAuth with Cloudflare Workers

Examples below have been tested with Github. It should work with other oauth providers with minor changes.


The configuration parameters are passed in an OAuthConfig struct to initialize the service. The example below sets the secret parameters in the environment, so they aren't part of the compiled wasm binary.

  1. Create an environment variable env_json containing json data, which will be parsed by the worker.

At the bottom of wrangler.toml, add the following.


env_json= """{
  "oauth": {
    "app_url": "https://app.example.com/",
    "authorized_users": [ "gituser" ],
    "client_id" : "0000",
    "client_secret": "0000",
    "state_secret": "0000",
    "cors_origins": [ "https://app.example.com", "http://localhost:3000" ],
    "logged_out_app_url": "https://app.example.com/",
    "session_path_prefix": "/private/",
    "session_secret": "0000"
  • app_url : base url for your app

  • client_id, client_secret: github api id and secret

  • state_secret, session_secret: 32-bit encryption keys as 64 hex digits. One way to create these on unix:

    head --bytes 32 /dev/urandom | hexdump -ve '1/1 "%.2x"' && echo

  • logged_out_app_url: where user will be redirected after logout

  • session_path_prefix: any url beginning with this will have its session cookie set

  1. Update your service program as follows
extern "C" {
    static env_json: String;

pub async fn main_entry(req: Jsvalue) -> Result<Jsvalue,JsValue> { 
    //  ...
    let environ_config = env_json.as_str();
    let settings = load(environ_config).map_err(|e| JsValue::from_str(&e))?;
    // ...

    let oauth_config = build_oauth_config(&settings.oauth)?;
    let oauth_handler = OAuthHandler::init(oauth_config)
        .map_err(|e| JsValue::from(&format!("OAuthHandler init error: {}", e.to_string())))?;
        ServiceConfig {
            handlers: vec![

fn build_oauth_config(env: &Oauth) -> Result<OAuthConfig, JsValue> {
    let allow = wasm_service_oauth::UserAllowList {
        allowed_users: env.authorized_users.clone(),
        login_failed_url: "/login-failed".into(),

    let config = OAuthConfig {
        app_url: env.app_url.to_string(),
        logged_out_app_url: env.logged_out_app_url.to_string(),
        authorize_url_path: "/authorize".to_string(),
        code_url_path: "/code".to_string(),
        login_failed_url_path: "/login-failed".to_string(),
        logout_url_path: "/logout".to_string(),
        auth_checker: Box::new(allow),
        client_id: env.client_id.to_string(),
        client_secret: env.client_secret.to_string(),
        state_secret: key_from_hex(&env.state_secret, 32).map_err(JsValue::from)?,
        session_secret: key_from_hex(&env.session_secret, 32).map_err(JsValue::from)?,
        session_cookie_path_prefix: env.session_path_prefix.to_string(),
        cors_origins: env.cors_origins.clone(), // .iter().map(|v| v.as_ref()).collect(),

/// load config from environment
pub(crate) fn load(json: &str) -> Result<Config, String> {
    //let var = std::env::var("env_json")
    //    .map_err(|_| Error::Environment("Missing env_json".to_string()))?;
    let conf = serde_json::from_str(json).map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;

#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
pub struct Config {
    pub oauth: Oauth,
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
pub struct Oauth {
    pub client_id: String,
    pub client_secret: String,
    pub state_secret: String,
    pub session_secret: String,
    pub session_path_prefix: String,
    pub app_url: String,
    pub logged_out_app_url: String,
    pub cors_origins: Vec<String>,
    pub authorized_users: Vec<String>,
  1. Update the handler function as follows
async fn handle(&self, req: &Request, mut ctx: &mut Context) -> Result<(), HandlerReturn> {
    // urls beginning with session_path_prefix require authentication
    if req.url().path().starts_with("/private/") {
        let _session = self.oauth_handler.verify_auth_user(req, &mut ctx)?;
        // user is authenticated!!
        // ...

    } else {
        // handle urls not requiring authentication
        // ...

    // let oauth handler process its urls
    if ctx.response().is_unset() {
        if self.oauth_handler.would_handle(&req) {
            // handle oauth processing for /code, /authorize, /login-failed, etc.
            self.oauth_handler.handle(req, &mut ctx).await?;


~605K SLoC