VHtmlescape is used at run time in 318 crates (of which 41 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 33 crates. It's used at build time in 1 crate (). It's used only as a dev dependency in 28 crates.

Number of dependers VHtmlescape version Downloads/month
231 0.15.8 164K
4 0.14.1 76
13 0.12.0 3.1K
6 0.11.0 460
6 0.10.4 500
1 0.8.0 8
86 0.4.5 900
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) VHtmlescape version
177K 187 actix-files ^0.15.5
302K 128 minijinja optional ^0.15.8
3.9K 14 nu-command ^0.15.0
2.0K 4 nu-cmd-extra ^0.15.0
1.0K 4 ntex-files ^0.15
800 3 yarte_hir ^0.15
750 10 yarte_helpers optional ^0.15
cuach ^0.15
1 archetect-core ^0.4
http-fs ^0.15
clia-ntex-files-mod ^0.15.8
treelight ^0.15.8
1 libhanzzok ^0.14.1
libredefender ^0.15
clia-ntex-files ^0.15.8
simple_prompts ^0.4
justjs ^0.15.8
qtpl ^0.8
diff2html ^0.4.3
lignin-html ^0.12.0
tealr_doc_gen ^0.14.1
1 wearte_helpers ^0.4.2
actori-files ^0.4
1 tera-v1 ^0.4
templet ^0.14.1
keclc-file ^0.4
requiem-files ^0.4
scrappy-files ^0.4
struckdown ^0.11.0
1 weft ^0.15.7
410 5 inkjet optional ^0.15.8
160 axominijinja optional ^0.15.8
110 1 unified-minijinja optional ^0.15.8