7 releases

0.1.6 Nov 2, 2021
0.1.5 Oct 27, 2021

#271 in Template engine

MIT license


🧁 Upcake

Cupcakes for your API


Upcake enables assertions to be performed against HTTP requests. Requests and their assertions are defined in a YAML file and can have dependencies on each other, provided that dependency requests are named. Assertions can be against request timing data and any response data including headers, content and response code.

The request URL, headers and content support template rendering with Handlebars using the handlebars crate.

Requests are run in parallel except where they have a dependency to another request in which case they will wait until their dependencies have completed before starting.

The response headers and content of a request is made available as part of the template context for dependent requests.


With cargo

cargo install upcake

From source

git clone https://github.com/johnnynotsolucky/upcake.git
cd upcake
cargo install --path .


Command-line options

  • --env-var-prefix - An optional prefix to filter environment variables injected into the template context
  • -k, --insecure - Allow insecure server connections when using SSL
  • -E, --cert - Client certificate file
  • --key - Client private key file
  • --cacert - CA certificate to verify against
  • -L, --location - Follow redirects
  • -v, --verbose - Verbose output
  • --fail-request - Fail request on HTTP error response codes
  • -s, --max-response-size - Maximum response size in bytes
  • -e, --extra-vars Set additional variables as key=value or YAML. To use a file, prepend the value with "@". Available in the template context in the user property.
  • --connect-timeout - Maximum time allowed for connection in milliseconds
  • -c, --config-file - Path to the request config file. Defaults to "Upcakefile.yaml".

Note: Configuration set from the command line will override configuration for that property set in the Upcakefile.


  • env_var_prefix - An optional prefix to filter environment variables. Overridden by --env-var-prefix.
  • location - Follow redirects. Overridden by --insecure.
  • insecure - Allow insecure server connections when using SSL. Overridden by --insecure.
  • client_cert - Client certificate file. Overridden by --cert. Unless absolute, path is relative to the directory of the config file.
  • client_key - Client private key file. Overridden by --key. Unless absolute, path is relative to the directory of the config file.
  • ca_cert - CA certificate to verify against. Overridden by --cacert. Unless absolute, path is relative to the directory of the config file.
  • connect_timeout - Maximum time allowed for connection. Overridden by --connect-timeout.
  • extra_vars - Set additional variables from YAML mapping. Merged with vars set with --extra-vars. Available in the template context in the user property.
  • verbose - Verbose output. Overridden by --verbose.
  • fail_request - Fail request on HTTP error response codes
  • max_response_size - Maximum response size in bytes. Overridden by --max-response-size.
  • requests - List of request configurations.


location: false
insecure: false
ca_cert: ca.pem
client_cert: client.pem
client_key: key.pem
connect_timeout: 100
  my_var: Some Value
verbose: true
max_response_size: 32000
  - url: "http://localhost:8888/post"

Request configuration

  • name optional - Name of the request.
  • requires optional - List of named requests this request depends upon.
  • request_method optional - The HTTP method to use. Defaults to "GET".
  • data optional - Data to send with the request. Send the contents of a file by prefixing the value with an "@", for example "@path/to/body/template.hbs". Relative paths are relative to the directory of the loaded configuration file.
  • headers optional - Either a list of headers or a template to render raw headers from.
  • url- The URL to make the request to.
  • assertions optional - A list of assertions to perform on the response. Defaults to a HTTP 200 assertion.


- name: "Request B"
  requires: ["Request A"]
  request_method: "POST"
  data: "@data.hbs"
    - name: Accept
      value: application/json
    - name: Content-Type
      value: application/json
  url: "http://localhost:8888/post"
    - type: equal
      path: ."response_code"
      value: 200
Header template
- name: "Request B"
  requires: ["Request A"]
  request_method: "GET"
  url: "http://localhost:8888/get"
  headers: |
    Accept: application/json
    {{#each requests.[Request A].headers}}
      {{#if (eqi name "Set-Cookie")}}
    Cookie: {{value}}

Assertion configuration

  • type - The type of assertion to use. See available assertions.
  • path - The jql path to the field the assertion should run against. Defaults to .. path is ignored on inner assertions, for example the length assertion.
  • skip optional - Whether to skip the assertion. If set, requires a string value for the reason.
  • assertion - The assertion to apply


- type: length
  path: ."content"."slideshow"."slides".[]
  skip: Some reason for skipping the assertion
    type: equal
    value: 2

Available assertions

In addition to the top-level assertion configuartion, each assertion has its own properties which are required to be set.


Type: between

Assert that a value is within a range.

  • min - Start of range.
  • max - End of range.
  • inclusive optional - Whether to include min and maxin the assertion.
- type: between
  path: ."response_code"
  min: 200
  max: 399
  inclusive: true


Type: equal

Assert that a value equals the given value.

  • value - Value to assert.
- type: equal
  path: ."response_code"
  value: 200

Not Equal

Type: not-equal

Assert that a value is not equal to the given value.

  • value - Value to assert.
- type: not-equal
  path: ."response_code"
  value: 204


Type: length

Assert that the length of a value passes the given assertion

- type: length
  path: ."headers".[]
    - type: equal
      value: 5


Type: contains

Assert that a response value contains the given value.

  • For strings, it asserts that the substring is present in the value;

  • For arrays, it asserts that the value is present in the array;

  • For mappings (dictionary/object types), asserts that the input map is present in the response map.

  • value - The value to assert is contained in the given value.


Assert mapping contains all key/value pairs

- type: contains
  path: ."content".{}
    key: Value
    another_property: Some other value

Assert array contains a value

- type: contains
  path: ."content"."my_integer_array".[]
  value: 10


- type: contains
  path: ."content"."my_object_array".[]
    id: item_10
    value: Item Value

Assert substring appears in response value

- type: contains
  path: ."content"."my_string"
  value: "value"


Type: exists

Assert that the given value exists as a key in the response value.

  • value - The value to assert exists in the given mapping.
- type: exists
  path: ."content"."my_object".{}
  value: id

Greater than

Type: greater-than

Assert that a value is greater than the given value.

  • value - Value to assert.
- type: greater-than
  path: ."response_code"
  value: 200

Greater than equal

Type: greater-than-equal

Assert that a value is greater or equal to the given value.

  • value - Value to assert.
- type: greater-than-equal
  path: ."response_code"
  value: 200

Less than

Type: less-than

Assert that a value is less than the given value

  • value - Value to assert.
- type: less-than
  path: ."response_code"
  value: 400

Less than equal

Type: less-than-equal

Assert that a value is less than or equal to the given value

  • value - Value to assert.
- type: less-than-equal
  path: ."timing"."starttransfer"
  value: 100

Response data

Request result

  • http_version - The HTTP version used for the request.
  • response_code - The HTTP response code returned.
  • response_message - A HTTP response message returned from the host, if any.
  • headers - A list of response headers.
  • timing - Response timing data. See timing results.
  • content - Response content, either formatted as JSON, or raw content if it couldn't be parsed as JSON.

Timing results

  • namelookup - Duration in milliseconds from the start of the request until name lookup resolved.
  • connect - Duration in milliseconds from the start of the request until a connection to the remote host is established.
  • pretransfer - Duration in milliseconds from the start of the request until file transfer was about to begin.
  • starttransfer - Duration in milliseconds from the start of the request until the first byte was received. AKA TTFB.
  • total - Duration in milliseconds from the start of the request until the request ended.
  • dns_resolution - Alias for namelookup.
  • tcp_connection - Difference of connect and namelookup.
  • tls_connection - Difference of pretransfer and connect.
  • server_processing - Difference of starttransfer and pretransfer.
  • content_transfer - Difference of total and starttransfer.


The request URL, headers and content support template rendering with Handlebars using the handlebars crate.

The response headers and content of a request is made available as part of the template context for dependent requests.

Available elements


Optional user-provided context. This is set via the --extra-vars flag and/or with the extra_vars configuration property in the config file.


A map of the environment variables available to the program at runtime. Setting a prefix with --env-var-prefix or the env_var_prefix config option will remove any environment variables which are not prefixed with that value.


A map of requests keyed by request name. Only requests which are set in the requires property of the request configuration are included. Requests which have not yet executed or completed will not be available until they have completed.


  • Built-in helpers
  • Boolean helpers:
    • eqi - Case-insensitive equals
    • nei - Case-insensitive not equals


Examples are in examples.

They are configured to run against a local httpbin server.

httpbin Server

Start with docker

docker run -p 8888:80 kennethreitz/httpbin

Start with docker-compose

docker-compose --file examples/docker-compose.yaml up

Run the examples

upcake --config-file examples/basic.yaml
AUTH_TOKEN=my_token upcake --config-file ./examples/pipeline.yaml
upcake --config-file examples/mtls.yaml


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