#binary-search-tree #binary-tree #node-tree #tree-node #bst #node-key #tree-root

bin+lib unsafe_bst

This is a simple bst crate, created as a project for class

6 releases

0.3.2 Mar 19, 2024
0.3.1 Mar 19, 2024
0.2.2 Mar 18, 2024

#1 in #bst


556 lines


Crates.io Docs.rs


unsafe_bst's main functionality is a library that can create and maintain a binary search tree.
The library has declarations for a BST module, a Node module, and a Stat module.

binary_tree module

The BST module contains a BinTree struct contains 3 fields:

struct BinTree{
    pub root: crate::nodes::Node,
    pub left: Option<Box<BinTree>>, 
    pub right: Option<Box<BinTree>>,

The BinTree struct has a default implication:

let binary_tree = binary_tree::BinTree{..Default::default()};
assert_eq!(binary_tree.root.val, -1);

BinTree's default is a root node of -1, and None for a left and right tree.

BinTree Functions

BinTree also has default functions built into the library\

add_node(&mut self, node: nodes::Node)

This function adds a node to the tree, if the node is not already in the tree

find(&mut self, key: i64) -> bool

This function returns true if the inputted key is in the tree, else returns false

print(&mut self, spacing: i64)

Prints out the tree in the form


for the entire tree.
For the best results, spacing should be 0

delete(&self, key: i64)

Deletes a key from a tree, if the key exists in the tree
Note: Delete uses GOTO functionality to get through the tree (via enum)

balance(&self, s: &mut Stats) -> BinTree

Returns self as a balanced binary tree

nodes module

Nodes Module has a struct Node that has the form

struct Node{
    val: i64,

Node functions

Node does not have a default implication but has 1 function


Prints the value of self.val, the key of the Node



This will print a tree with a root of 13, right value of 15, and left value of 11
And it will look like this:

let mut b_t = unsafe_bst::binary_tree::BinTree{..Default::default()};
b_t.add_node(unsafe_bst::nodes::Node{val: 13});
b_t.add_node(unsafe_bst::nodes::Node{val: 15});
b_t.add_node(unsafe_bst::nodes::Node{val: 11});



v0.3.2 - Added height() function in beta v0.3.1 - Made delete safer, not 100% safe, added tests to lib.rs
v0.3.0 - Started to make code safer: removed unsafe calls in every function other than delete
v0.2.2 - Fixed delete (at least, all seen errors)
v0.2.1 - fixed balance so that is properly functions
v0.2.0 - renamed crate to "unsafe-bst"
v0.1.0 - Created Crate under name "the_one"

