7 stable releases
2.3.0 | Mar 29, 2022 |
2.2.0 | Mar 28, 2022 |
1.3.0 | Apr 13, 2021 |
#749 in Rust patterns
Used in sita
Typeables: Rust crate of type aliases and struct tuples
Typeables is a Rust crate of semantic types, such as unit types (e.g. metre for length, second for time), content types (e.g. email address, phone number), locale types (e.g. "en" for English, "zh" for Chinese), etc.
- scientific unit
- ampere
- becquerel
- candela
- degree_celcius
- farad
- gram
- gray
- hertz
- henry
- joule
- katal
- kelvin
- kilogram
- litre
- lumen
- lux
- metre
- metre^2
- metre^3
- metre_per_second
- mole
- ohm
- pascal
- radian
- second
- siemens
- sievert
- steradian
- tesla
- volt
- watt
- weber
- time unit
- year
- month
- week
- day
- hour
- minute
- second
- time period
- year_as_common_era
- month_of_year
- week_of_year
- week_of_month
- day_of_year
- day_of_month
- day_of_week
- hour_of_day
- minute_of_hour
- second_of_minute
- currency
- currency_name
- currency_symbol
- email address
- email_address
- email_address_addr
- email_address_name
- geolocation
- latitude
- longitude
- altitude
- elevation
- open_location_code
- what_freewords_code
- interval
- unit_interval
- dual_interval
- locale
- locale_code
- locale_language_code
- locale_country_code
- locale_region_code
- locale_script_code
- locale_variant_code
- localization
- decimal_separator
- grouping_separator
- quotation_start_delimiter
- quotation_stop_delimiter
- media type
- media_type_code
- media_type_supertype
- media_type_subtype
- media_type_suffix
- media_type_parameter
- media_type_tree
- phone e164
- phone_e164_text
- phone_e164_country_code
- phone_e164_national_destination_code
- phone_e164_subscriber_number
- phone_e164_group_identification_code
- phone_e164_trial_identification_code
- grammar
- adjective
- adverb
- noun
- pronoun
- verb
- text format
- html_text
- json_text
- markdown_text
- yaml_text
- xml_text
- content
- global_location_number
- international_standard_of_industrial_classification_revision_4_code
- international_standard_of_industrial_classification_revision_4_name
- legal_entity_identifier_code
- value_added_tax_identification_number
- date time
- date_time
- date
- time
- time_offset
- time_zone
Typeables is based on the Rust pattern of "New Type". This uses a Rust struct tuple as a wrapper of another type (or types), in order to provide encapsulation.
pub struct MetreAsF64(pub f64); // This is a "New Type" struct tuple.
let length = MetreAsF64(1.2); // 1.2 metres as floating-point 64-bit.
Typeables helps you write clearer code and stronger code, because you can be more-precise about your variable types and your function inputs and outputs.
Example to calculate rectangular area:
pub struct MetreAsF64(pub f64); // Metre which is for distance.
pub struct Metre2AsF64(pub f64); // Metre^2 which is for area.
fn area(length: MetreAsF64, width: MetreAsF64) -> Metre2AsF64 {
Metre2AsF64(length.0 * width.0)
Typeables helps you create better domain driven design, stronger compile-time checking, and crisper run-time diagnostics.
What is a struct tuple?
A struct tuple is akin to a wrapper for another type such as:
pub struct Year(pub i16);
A struct tuple can make your code safer because it provides encapsulation:
# pub struct Year(pub i16);
let x = Year(2022);
What is a type alias?
A type alias is akin to a nickname for another type such as:
pub type Year = i16;
A type alias can make your code clearer because it expresses your intent:
# pub type Year = i16;
let x: Year = 2022;
What does Typeables do?
Typeables provides many concept types, each implemented as a struct tuple and a type alias, and
Example variable:
use typeables::year::*;
let x = YearAsStructI16(2022); // Year as struct tuple
Example function:
use typeables::year::*;
fn f(x: YearAsStructI16) { // Year as struct tuple
println!("Year {}", x.0) // Use the zero field
How do I refactor code to use Typeables?
Typeables helps you refactor from weaker-type code to stronger-type code.
Suppose you start with typical code:
fn f(x: i16) {
println!("{}", x)
fn main() {
let x = 2022;
Step 1. Refactor to a Typeables type alias. This is annotation.
use typeables::year::*;
fn f(x: YearAsTypeI16) {
println!("{}", x)
fn main() {
let x = 1 as YearAsTypeI16;
Step 2. Refactor to a Typealias struct tuple. This is encapsulation.
use typeables::year::*;
fn f(x: YearAsStructI16) {
println!("{}", x.0)
fn main() {
let x = YearAsStructI16(2022);
Semantic examples
Calendar examples:
# use typeables::year::*;
# use typeables::month::*;
let year = YearAsStructI16(2022);
let month = MonthAsStructI8(12);
Geolocation examples of New York City Grand Central Terminal:
# use typeables::{latitude::*, longitude::*};
let latitude = LatitudeAsDecimalDegreeAsStructF32(40.75);
let longitude = LongitudeAsDecimalDegreeAsStructF32(-73.97);
Date-time format examples of the NASA launch of the Mars Perseverance Rover:
# use typeables::datetime::*;
let date_stamp = DateAsYYYYXMMXDDAsStructString(String::from("2020-07-30")); // Year 2020 on July 30th
let time_stamp = TimeAsHHXMMXSSAsStructString(String::from("07:50:00")); // 7:50 in the morning
let offset_stamp = TimeOffsetAsXHHXMMAsStructString(String::from("-05:00")); // 5 hours ahead of UTC
Why use semantic names?
When you use semantic names, such as clear descriptions and purposeful naming conventions, then you help developers understand your code, and help compilers provide reliability, and help tools provide inspectability.
Suppose your code has this function:
fn f(year: i16, month: i16) {
println!("Year {} Month {}", year, month)
A developer can use your code like this:
# use typeables::{year_as_common_era::*, month_of_year::*};
# fn f(year: i16, month: i16) {
# println!("Year {} Month {}", year, month)
# }
let year = 2022;
let month = 12;
f(year, month); // right
// f(month, year); // wrong, yet will compile and be a bug
You can make your code clearer by adding a type alias:
# use typeables::{year_as_common_era::*, month_of_year::*};
fn f(year: YearAsTypeI16, month: MonthAsTypeI16) {
println!("Year {} Month {}", year, month)
You can make your code stronger by using a struct tuple:
# use typeables::{year_as_common_era::*, month_of_year::*};
fn f(year: YearAsStructI16, month: MonthAsStructI16) {
println!("Year {} Month {}", year.0, month.0)
A developer can use your code like this:
# use typeables::{year_as_common_era::*, month_of_year::*};
# fn f(year: YearAsStructI16, month: MonthAsStructI16) {
# println!("Year {} Month {}", year.0, month.0)
# }
let year = YearAsStructI16(2022);
let month = MonthAsStructI16(12);
f(year, month); // right
// f(month, year); // wrong and won't compile
Why use semantic names, representation names, unit names, and implementation names?
Suppose you're writing an application for aircraft.
You want to keep track of:
Aircraft altitudes.
Representation as "Above Ground Level (AGL)" such as the height of the aircraft above the runway during takeoff or landing, or as "Mean Sea Level (MSL)" such as the worldwide height of the aircraft during cruising flight.
Unit of measurement as "Metre" which is the international system, or as "Foot" which is the United States system.
The implemention as a signed integer 16-bit, because altitude can be negative in some rare areas such as Death Valley California, and your application may need to integrate with legacy code that requires signed integer 16-bit numbers.
You can use this naming convention:
Semantic name "Altitude"
As representation name "Above Ground Level" or "Mean Sea Level"
As unit name "Metre" or "Foot"
As primitive name "I16".
The code looks like this:
# use typeables::altitude::*;
pub struct AltitudeAsAboveGroundLevelAsMetreAsStructI16(pub i16);
pub struct AltitudeAsAboveGroundLevelAsFootAsStructI16(pub i16);
pub struct AltitudeAsMeanSeaLevelAsMetreAsStructI16(pub i16);
pub struct AltitudeAsMeanSeaLevelAsFootAsStructI16(pub i16);
Suppose your app also needs to keep track of:
Airport elevations.
The representation as "Above Ground Level (AGL)" such as the height of an airport building above the airport runway, or as "Mean Sea Level (MSG)" such as the worldwide height of the airporse runway.
The code looks like this:
# use typeables::elevation::*;
pub struct ElevationAsAboveGroundLevelAsMetreAsStructI16(pub i16);
pub struct ElevationAsAboveGroundLevelAsFootAsStructI16(pub i16);
pub struct ElevationAsMeanSeaLevelAsMetreAsStructI16(pub i16);
pub struct ElevationAsMeanSeaLevelAsFootAsStructI16(pub i16);
The naming convention is crystal clear and fully descriptive:
Developers can understand your code better, and how to use it.
Compilers can provide stronger compile-time guarantees.
Debuggers can provide crisper run-time diagnostics.
Editors can provide better auto-complete and auto-suggest.
Use words rather than abbreviations
Examples of semantic names:
Use "Latitude" not "Lat".
Use "Longitude" not "Lon", "Lng", "Long".
Examples of representation names:
Use "Decimal Degree" not "DD"
Use "Degree Minute Second" not "DMS".
Examples of unit names:
Use "Metre" not "M".
Use "Second" not "S".
Examples of implementation names:
Use "TypeString" not "TS"
Use "StructString" not "SS".
Prefer singular over plural
Examples of representation names:
Use "Decimal Degree" not "Decimal Degrees"
Use "Degree Minute Second" not "Degrees Minutes Seconds"
Examples of unit names:
Use "Metre" not "Metres".
Use "Second" not "Seconds"
Naming conventions
Naming convention for struct tuples:
pub struct FooAsStructI8(pub i8);
pub struct FooAsStructI16(pub i16);
pub struct FooAsStructI32(pub i32);
pub struct FooAsStructI64(pub i64);
pub struct FooAsStructI128(pub i128);
pub struct FooAsStructISize(pub isize);
pub struct FooAsStructU8(pub u8);
pub struct FooAsStructU16(pub u16);
pub struct FooAsStructU32(pub u32);
pub struct FooAsStructU64(pub u64);
pub struct FooAsStructU128(pub u128);
pub struct FooAsStructUSize(pub usize);
pub struct FooAsStructF32(pub f32);
pub struct FooAsStructF64(pub f64);
pub struct FooAsStructStr(&'static String);
pub struct FooAsStructString(pub String);
Naming convention for type aliass:
pub type FooAsTypeI8 = i8;
pub type FooAsTypeI16 = i16;
pub type FooAsTypeI32 = i32;
pub type FooAsTypeI64 = i64;
pub type FooAsTypeI128 = i128;
pub type FooAsTypeISize = isize;
pub type FooAsTypeU8 = u8;
pub type FooAsTypeU16 = u16;
pub type FooAsTypeU32 = u32;
pub type FooAsTypeU64 = u64;
pub type FooAsTypeU128 = u128;
pub type FooAsTypeUSize = usize;
pub type FooAsTypeF32 = f32;
pub type FooAsTypeF64 = f64;
pub type FooAsTypeStr = str;
pub type FooAsTypeString = String;
We recommend looking at the Rust crate uom
(unit of measure) and the Rust book
examples of the newtype
Comparison with uom
Broadly speaking:
uom favors high-level work, such as automatic normalizations and conversions.
Typeables favors low-level work, such as exact representations and primitives.
Quantities v. units v. primitives:
uom deliberately favors working with conceptual quantities (length, mass, time, …) rather than measurement units (metre, gram, second, …) and implementation primitives (pub i8, u16, f32, …).
Typeables favors working with explicit measurement units and explicit implementation primitives. When you want the concept of "length" and unit "metre" and primitive "f32" then you write "LengthAsMetreAsTypeF32".
Normalization v. exactness:
uom deliberately normalizes values to their base units, such as normalizing 1 gram to 0.001 kilogram, and deliberately trades away representation capabilities (due to inexact conversions) and precision capabilties (due to bit limits).
Typeables favors exactness, never normaliziation. When you want the concept of "mass" and unit "gram" and primitive "u128" for 128-bit unsigned integer precision, then you write "GramAsTypeI128".
Comparison with Rust "New Type Idiom" a.k.a. "New Type Pattern"
Broadly speaking:
The Rust "New Type Idiom" a.k.a. "New Type Pattern" is exactly what Typeables is doing with struct tuples. We like this idiom very much.
Typeables additionally provides type aliass. In practice we find this is an important way to help professional developers with larger codebases, because the developers can phase in the type aliass as hints to developers and to tools, then later on can phase in the struct tuples.
Roll your own versus using Typeables crate:
You can certainly roll your own new type pattern, and you can use your own type names, or even use the Typeables type names.
The Typeables crate is helpful because it provides a bunch of definitions, so you can use the crate, then get all the benefits of the types, plus your tools can use the crate information, such as for editor tool autocomplete and autosuggest.
The type aliases are all for Rust primitives and standards such as strings
(using str
and String
) and numbers (using i64
, u64
, f64
, et al.).
Typeables has zero or near-zero runtime overhead:
A type alias is zero runtime overhead because the type alias is replaced at compile time.
A struct tuple is near-zero runtime overhead because the struct tuple is a wrapper with a field.
Typeables is deliberately verbose.
We use editors with autocomplete and autosuggest, so typing is easy and fast.
We like long names for low-level clarity.
Typeables defines many type aliass and struct tuples. Typically these are fast during development because they're simple. Typically these are even faster during production because the Rust compiler can optimized these and also eliminate any that are not needed.
The Typeables source code does not use macros.
We like macros in general.
Yet we discovered in practice that macros seem to interfere with some of our tooling.
For example, macros do not seem to work with some editors that inspect the Typeables crate in order to do autocomplete and autosuggest.