tree-sitter-ocaml is used at run time in 7 crates (of which 4 optionally).

Number of dependers tree-sitter-ocaml version Downloads/month
0 0.24.0 86
1 0.23.2 2.9K
1 0.22.0 240
1 0.21.2 60
4 0.20.4 500
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) tree-sitter-ocaml version
1.3K 2 difftastic ^0.23.2
1.2K intelligit ^0.20.4
400 gitu =0.20.4
190 1 syntastica-parsers optional =0.20.4
180 1 utils-tree-sitter optional ^0.22.0
function-grep optional ^0.20.4
md-tui optional ^0.21.2