#abi #bsc #smart-contracts #crypto #api-key #command-line-tool #contract

app tracpls

cli tool to get smart contract code and its ABI for ease of viewing on terminal

7 releases

0.3.1 May 1, 2022
0.3.0 May 1, 2022
0.2.2 Apr 22, 2022
0.1.1 Apr 21, 2022

#6 in #bsc

MIT license

234 lines


Cli tool to get smart contract code + ABI on EVM-based chains for ease of piping and viewing at terminal (e.g. with vim or others).

It supports BSC, Ethereum, and Polygon.


cargo install tracpls


Users are required to define environment variables of the following depending on API platforms which provide the service off-chain

  • TRACPLS_BSCSCAN_APIKEY - API key from bscscan.com
  • TRACPLS_ETHERSCAN_APIKEY - API key from etherscan.io
  • TRACPLS_POLYGONSCAN_APIKEY - API key from polygonscan.com

At runtime, the program will select the appropriate one which dictated by flag --chain (or -c) then grab the API key then use it as such.

The following options are available

$ tracpls --help
Wasin Thonkaew (wasin@wasin.io)
cli tool to get smart contract code and its ABI for ease of viewing on terminal

    tracpls [OPTIONS] --address <ADDRESS> --chain <CHAIN>

    -a, --address <ADDRESS>         Target contract address to get its smart contract code or ABI
        --abi-only                  Get only contract ABI
    -c, --chain <CHAIN>             Which chain to work with. Possible values are 'bsc', 'ethereum',
                                    and 'polygon'
    -h, --help                      Print help information
        --no-abi-pretty-print       Pretty print output for contract ABI. It can only be used if
                                    --abi-only exists
        --no-clean-crlf             Make sure to clean CR/LF character codes to make it suitable to
                                    view the content on the platform running the application
        --out-dir <OUT_DIR_PATH>    Output directory path to write content of files to. In case of
                                    --abi-only, it will output into fixed filename of "abi.json" but
                                    at the supplied output directory. For JSON-based code, it will
                                    use the contract name of each file as the filename to write its
                                    content to
    -s, --silence                   Whether or not to print meta information during execution


Always use --chain (or -c) to specify chain type whose possible values are either bsc, ethereum, or polygon.

  1. Get smart contract then pipe directly to vim
$ tracpls -a 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001004 -c bsc | vim -c "set syntax=solidity" -

You might not need -c "set syntax=solidity" if you already configured your ~/.vimrc to support solidity syntax highlighting.

  1. Get contract's ABI then save to file
$ tracpls -a 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001004 --chain bsc --abi-only > abi.json
  1. Same as 2. but with no pretty print
$ tracpls -a 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001004 --chain bsc --abi-only --no-abi-pretty-print > abi.json
  1. Write all smart contract files into files at the destination directory
$ tracpls -a 0x1befe6f3f0e8edd2d4d15cae97baee01e51ea4a4 --chain bsc --out-dir /tmp/0x1bef
  1. Same as 4. but silence the meta information
$ tracpls -a 0x1befe6f3f0e8edd2d4d15cae97baee01e51ea4a4 --chain bsc --out-dir /tmp/0x1bef -s


Error message will always be outputted to stderr. So normal correct and proper output won't be interfere with the error message. But you are free to combine them into one.


MIT, Wasin Thonkaew


~445K SLoC