#sdk #counter #events #flavor #time #native-layer


A provider of tracing layers for tracing-subscriber using the native C++ Perfetto SDK

19 releases (11 breaking)

0.12.0 Dec 18, 2024
0.11.0 Nov 22, 2024
0.10.4 Nov 21, 2024

#248 in Debugging

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13K SLoC

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A suite of tracing layers that reports traces via the C++ Perfetto SDK

There are currently two flavors of layers:

  • NativeLayer: Writes tracing data using Rust code, but can additionally fetch further tracing data using the Perfetto SDK, e.g. via the traced daemon.
  • SdkLayer: Writes tracing data using the C++ SDK subroutines. The SDK then decides how/if/when it interacts with other things in the Perfetto ecosystem.

You can easily add a layer into your existing tracing-subscriber stack:

use std::{fs, thread, time};
use tracing_subscriber::layer::SubscriberExt as _;
use tracing_perfetto_sdk_layer::NativeLayer;

let out_file = "native-layer-example.pftrace";
let trace_config = todo!();
let out_file = fs::File::create(out_file).unwrap();
let layer = NativeLayer::from_config(trace_config, out_file).build().unwrap();

let subscriber = tracing_subscriber::registry().with(layer);

tracing::subscriber::with_default(subscriber, || {
    tracing::info!(foo = "baz", int = 7, "hello trace!");

    let span = tracing::info_span!("hi", foo = "bar", int = 3);
    let guard = span.enter();

Trace config

The layer constructor expects a TraceConfig protobuf message to configure tracing settings. This can either be supplied as a prost-generated struct or as raw (protobuf-encoded) bytes. The raw bytes option might be useful if you want to embed a config with your binary that doesn't have to change, and you want to save on space/overhead/... In the end the config will always be encoded to bytes anyway to be sent to the C++ SDK.

Since the protobuf schema also implements serde traits, you can load/store the config file in any format you like, as long as there is a serde codec for it. To activate the tracing data source, you need to add at least the rust_tracing data source in the relevant config section (here, the config is in YAML format):

  - size_kb: 1024
  - config:
      name: "rust_tracing"

This is a good starting point for a minimal config file. If you want to activate additional data sources, you can add them here; just remember that most of them rely on the `traced daemon running on the host, and requires you to use system mode (Explained further below in the section "Controlling output destinations").

Using counters

When logging trace events, such as when calling tracing::info!() and similar macros, it is possible to additionally specify counters that will be reported in the trace.

Any field within the trace event can be a counter if it starts with the counter. prefix and has a numeric value:

tracing::info!(counter.mem_usage=42, counter.cpu_usage=23.2, "hi!");

It is recommended to specify the unit of the counter as the last .-separated part of the field:

tracing::info!(counter.mem_usage.bytes=42, counter.cpu_usage.percent=23.2, "hi!");

The unit will be reported properly in the Perfetto UI at the track-level next to the sidebar of each line chart.

NOTE: at the time of writing, counters are only implemented by the NativeLayer.

Suppressing events

Sometimes, you want to log a tracing event but have it be suppressed in the Perfetto trace in particular. You can set the perfetto.suppress_event = true field for that to happen:

tracing::info!(perfetto.suppress_event=true, "won't be included in the Perfetto trace");

Controlling output destinations

For NativeLayer, traces can be written to anything that implements the tracing_subscriber::fmt::MakeWriter trait. It might be a good idea to use the tracing_appender::non_blocking output if you want to defer the writing to actual disk to a background thread.

For SdkLayer, since the write operation happens in C++ code, a real file with an open file descriptor must be used instead.

Tokio support

If the tokio feature is enabled, the layers will be aware of spans coming from the tokio runtime vs. normal OS threads. Spans coming from the tokio runtime will be reported to a special tokio-runtime track.

Forcing flavors

The layers will report spans to Perfetto using either a sync or async flavor:

  • The sync flavor implies that spans are reported when they are entered and exited.
  • The async flavor implies that spans are reported using RAII semantics, ie upon construction and until they are dropped.

By default, a heuristic is used to determine whether a span is sync or async. A specific flavor can instead be forced using the .with_force_flavor method on layer builders.

In-process vs system mode

By default, layers are configured to run in-process mode only. That means that the only data sources that are consulted are the ones embedded in the actual application binary.

In addition, (or instead of) in-process mode, the system mode can be activated too. This will (in the case of SdkLayer) write traces to the system's traced daemon, or (in the case of NativeLayer) poll for system-wide traces from the traced daemon and include them in the trace file.


Layers are cloneable and will internally keep a reference count to keep the layer internals alive. This means you can make a clone of the layer to control it from many places at once. For example, it can be useful to have a clone of the layer to be able to call .flush() or .stop() from somewhere else.


The layers allow you to configure various timeouts that will be used throughout the lifecycle of a layer. These are:

  • drop_flush_timeout: When the layer is dropped: how long to wait for a final flush to complete before destroying the layer. If you want to avoid this cost during drop(), call .stop() manually before the layer is dropped.
  • background_flush_timeout: In the case of NativeLayer, a background thread is used to fetch data from the SDK into the Rust world. This controls how long we wait for each flush to complete; however, if it doesn't complete in time, another attempt will soon be made.
  • background_poll_timeout: How long to wait for new data to arrive during each attempt of the background thread.
  • background_poll_interval: How long to wait between attempts to poll for new data in the background thread.


~187K SLoC