10 releases
0.3.5 | Dec 10, 2024 |
0.3.4 | Dec 9, 2024 |
0.3.3 | Sep 9, 2023 |
0.3.1 | Aug 1, 2022 |
0.1.0 | Jun 23, 2021 |
#691 in Parser implementations
N.B.: this code was written mostly to become familiar with Rust, and as such is not idiomatic / clean etc.
cargo install tiro --locked
tiro -a example/activities.txt
- I need 1h12 to do X, 3h47 to do Y, do I have time to do Z after?
same rationale as accounting, but with time
Some design decisions
Parse line by line.
First symbols of the line should determine what the line is
- Easier and faster, (to parse, but also to edit)
(Non-Cargo) Requirements
- libdbus
Future Features (Ideas)
Ability to merge several plannings
- check if compatible
- intervals are from starting date to end date (of last activity of
- could define an end-date syntax to specify manually, and insert it at the parsing stage
- non-intersecting intervals
- intervals are from starting date to end date (of last activity of
- merge if compatible
- first option: insert smaller plan into bigger one
- take parsed data, input line directly rather than using the file
- need to register line when parsing, to be able to insert stuff back, right after the date
- second option: keep two files separated, just generate one big plan
- simply merge the parsed data
- also related to hierachical categories (e.g., @work)
- first option: insert smaller plan into bigger one
- ability to merge plannings if somehow compatible (comparison of times). Use dates with nothing in between as a marker, if start/end of activities match, then merge into the file
Still open
Input format
- could I just use toml or another markup language as input instead of custom?
- handle timestamps with format 015 0h 15min for faster input
- handle timestamps with only hours given
- allow to add some activities without any starting time, e.g. to take into account 20min of work done in the morning without specifics
- write tests in every file
- sanity check on date of day: if distance of activities with current date is more than 20h, something fishy, warn about it
- option to hide categories from a subcategory, e.g. work
- option to output only categories (@work)
- try to use fzf to get autocompletion for tiro files
- suggest to switch to categories already known, if close
- output the width of screen somewhere, to adapt tmux
- show time left between lifelapses
- transition between activities
- watch config file as well
- also show categories in summary
- remove case sensitivity for categories and association categories to quadrant
- also save activity file
- multiline description
- detect if several quadrant for one category
- make colors configurable
- figure out why I need openssl-dev and if I can get rid of it
- ignore non existing input files
- use anyhow for errors instead of using custom errors
Ideas (in)
- category tree depending on order of categories
- define a category spreading over multiple activities to come (BEGIN / END)
- use quickcheck for testing
- profile program with a lot of data and see differences when copying or not
- use only one continuous file with all the days
- need to indicate how long the activities are relative to each other
- @today to specify current date, but how to deal with modifications on the day after?
- add coefficient to length of task
- handle 'until when' time as input instead of duration
- branching in activities (two possible choices)
- deal with time shift correctly
~156K SLoC