3 releases
0.1.3 | Dec 25, 2024 |
0.1.2 | Dec 21, 2024 |
0.1.0 | Dec 13, 2024 |
#288 in Text processing
Timug Static Page Generator
No nonsense, just a static page generator. It has been created for personal blog creation purposes. It fulfills the purposes for which it was created.
Works with jinja2 template engine. And also, yaml front matter used to determinate spesific definitions. That can be renderable or order of the menu. It does not support to many features but basic features are good enough for many users.
Default template is based on Tailwind CSS but it does not need nodejs or any other package manager. Timug is a single binary and it is enough to run it. It is fast and easy to use. Later, I will add more features to it and provide bencharmk results. It is still under development and I am using it for my personal blog. Default theme is not perfect but it is enough for me. I am looking for contributors to improve it.
You can see the example blog here.
Timug developed with Rust programming language. You need to install Rust programming language to use it. You can install Rust with rustup.
Here is the installation steps:
cargo install timug
Create a new project
timug init
timug --path /home/user/my_blog/ init
It will create required directories and files for you. You should open an modify timug.yaml file.
Create a new post/page
timug create post "My super new post"
timug create page "My super new page"
Also, you can create draft post/page with --draft parameter.
timug create post "My super new post" --draft
timug create page "My super new page" --draft
Publish your project
timug deploy
timug --path /home/user/my_blog/ deploy
The command will generate static files and copy them to the public directory. You can deploy this directory to your web server.
Live preview
timug server
timug --path /home/user/my_blog/ server
timug --path /home/user/my_blog/ server 9090 # For custom port
It will start a local server and you can preview your blog on your browser.
Log levels
Timug has 5 log levels. You can set log level with --log parameter. Default log level is info. All commands has log level parameter.
Available values:
off: Disable all output
error: Set log level to `error`
warn: Set log level to `warn`
info: Set log level to `info`
debug: Set log level to `debug`
trace: Set log level to `trace`
timug --log off start
timug --log error deploy
Help menu
You can see all available commands with help command.
timug --help
You can configure your project with timug.yaml file. Here is the default configuration:
title: My Blog
description: My super blog
theme: default
deployment-folder: public # Folder for deployment. Usually it is located under the blog-path
blog-path: . # Blog path for posts and pages
author: Erhan Baris
email: erhanbaris@gmail.com
site-url: https://www.erhanbaris.com/
navs: # Navigation menu
- name: Home
link: /
- name: Posts
link: /posts.html
- name: Books
link: /books.html
- name: About me
link: /about.html
- icon: fas fa-at # Fontawesome v5 icon class
name: Email
address: erhanbaris@gmail.com
- icon: fab fa-github
name: Github
address: https://github.com/erhanbaris
- icon: fab fa-linkedin-in
name: Linkedin
address: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ruslan-asenov/
reading: # Currently reading book
name: Iron Gold
series_name: "Red Rising Saga #4"
author: Pierce Brown
image : https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1716325988i/33257757.jpg
link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/33257757-iron-gold
- name: Timug Static Page Generator
link: https://github.com/erhanbaris/timug
- name: OneResume.IO
link: https://www.oneresume.io/
- name: SmartCalc
link: https://erhanbaris.github.io/smartcalc-app/
- name: Karamel Programming Language
link: https://github.com/erhanbaris/karamel
- name: 6502 Assembler
link: https://github.com/erhanbaris/timu6502asm
- name: Yummy Game Server
link: https://erhanbaris.github.io/yummy/
analytics: # Analytics services
google-analytics: G-XXXXXXXX # Google Analytics ID
microsoft-clarity: XXXXXXXX # Microsoft Clarity ID
stats: # Stats for the blog
link: https://timug-page-infos-2.erhanbaris.workers.dev/
Jinja2 template engine syntax is used for templating. You can use allmost all features of Jinja2 template engine. To get more information about supported syntax, you can take a look at (MiniJinja)https://github.com/mitsuhiko/minijinja.
There are some built-in components, functions and filters. Here is the list of them:
- current_year: Get current year. You can use it like that:
{{ current_year() }}
- post_url: Get post URL. You can use it like that:
{{ post_url(post.slug) }}
- page_url: Get page URL. You can use it like that:
{{ page_url(page.slug) }}
- formatdatetime: Convert date and time to spesific format. You can use it like that:
{{ post.date | formatdatetime("%B %d, %Y") }}
- url_encode: Encode a string to URL format. You can use it like that:
{{ post.title | url_encode }}
The component is a reusable part of the template. You can use it with call keyword. It uses the default template for rendering but it can be changed in the new template with a specific html file. New component template file should be located under the root template folder.
Here is the list of components:
Create an alert box.
Function arguments:
Argument | Information | Example |
style | It uses css class as a style | success , fail or info |
title | Info boxes title | Pros |
Template arguments:
Argument | Information | Example |
content | Html body | <b> Hello world </b> |
style | Class name | success , fail or info |
title | Info boxes title | Pros |
Template name: alertbox.html
{% call alertbox('success', 'Pros') %}
1. Easy to use
2. Wiring diagram simple
3. Easy to coding
{% endcall %}
Create a quote block.
Function arguments:
Argument | Information | Example |
position | it can be right , left or center to align quote |
center |
Template arguments:
Argument | Information | Example |
content | Html body | <b> Hello world </b> |
position | it can be right , left or center to align quote |
center |
Template name: quote.html
{% call quote('right') %}
"Details matter. It’s worth waiting to get it right."
Steve Jobs
{% endcall %}
Create a formated code block. It uses highlight.js for syntax highlighting.
Function arguments:
Argument | Information | Example |
lang | Programming languages short name | rust |
Template name: no templating.
{% call codeblock('bash') %}
xcode-select --install
{% endcall %}
Contact information block. It can be used in the footer or in the contact page. It uses fontawesome v5 icons. You should update timug.yaml file to use it.
Function arguments: No arguments needed.
Template arguments:
Argument | Information | Example |
contacts | List of icon: String , name: String , address: String . It is not json format. |
[{'icon': 'fas fa-at', 'name': 'email', 'address': 'erhanbaris@gmail.com'}] |
Template name: contacts.html Usage:
{% call contacts() %} {% endcall %}
Github gist block. It can be used to embed a gist to the blog post.
Function arguments:
Argument | Information | Example |
path | GitHup gist path | erhanbaris/bc6d9683a3e2d278851667e32759d585 |
title | GitHup gist title | vibration_test_output |
Template name: no templating.
{% call gist('erhanbaris/bc6d9683a3e2d278851667e32759d585', 'vibration_test_output') %}{% endcall %}
Create an info block.
Template arguments:
Argument | Information | Example |
content | Html body | <b> Hello world </b> |
Template name: info.html
{% call info() %}
Hello world
{% endcall %}
Projects block. It can be used in the footer or in the contact page. You should update timug.yaml file to use it.
Template arguments:
Argument | Information | Example |
contacts | List of name: String , link: String , description: Option<String> . It is not json format. |
[{'name': 'Timug', 'link': 'https://github.com/erhanbaris/timug', 'description': 'Static page generator'}] |
Template name: projects.html
{% call projects() %} {% endcall %}
Currently reading block. It can be used in the footer or in the contact page. You should update timug.yaml file to use it.
Template arguments:
Argument | Information | Example |
contacts | List of name: String , author: String , image: String , link: String . It is not json format. |
[{'name': 'A Philosophy of Software Design', 'link': 'https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/39996759-a-philosophy-of-software-design', 'author': 'John Ousterhout', 'image': 'https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1531857377i/39996759.jpg'}] |
Template name: reading.html
{% call reading() %} {% endcall %}
Social media share buttons. Adds Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Reddit and Hacker News share buttons to posts.
Function arguments:
Argument | Information | Example |
data | Post data |
Template arguments:
Argument | Information | Example |
data | Post data | |
posts | List of post data | |
pages | List of page data |
Template name: social_media_share.html
{% call social_media_share(data) %} {% endcall %}
This is a special block for stateless stat information. It requires extra configuration and setup. The details will provided later on. You should update timug.yaml file to use it.
Function arguments:
Argument | Information | Example |
slug | Post's slug information | hello-world |
Template arguments:
Argument | Information | Example |
slug | Post's slug information | hello-world |
scripts | CookieJS script | hello-world |
Template name: stats.html
{% call stats(data.slug) %} {% endcall %}
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