#tibco #message #message-queue #bindings #text #ems #tibco-ems

sys tibco_ems-sys

Rust bindings for the Tibco EMS C library

22 releases (6 stable)

1.0.5 Sep 15, 2022
1.0.4 May 5, 2022
1.0.3 Apr 26, 2022
1.0.2 Sep 25, 2021
0.1.5 Nov 30, 2020

#1063 in Encoding

Used in tibco_ems


636 lines


Latest Version

Rust bindings for the Tibco EMS C library.

A high-level API is provided through the tibco_ems crate.

Latest Version


tibco_ems is licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0 (LICENSE-APACHE or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).

TIBCO Enterprise Messaging Service, and all related components therein are property of TIBCO Software, and are not provided with this software package. Refer to your own TIBCO License terms for details.


To build this crate, the TIBCO EMS C library must either be in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH or alternatively a EMS_HOME environment variable must be set.


Put this in your Cargo.toml:

tibco_ems-sys = "0.1"


Sending a text message to a queue.

use tibco_ems::c_binding::*;
use std::ffi::CString;

fn main() {
    let factory = tibemsConnectionFactory_Create();

    let url = "tcp://localhost:7222";
    let user="admin";
    let password="admin";

    let status = tibemsConnectionFactory_SetServerURL(factory, CString::new(url).unwrap().as_ptr());
    println!("tibemsConnectionFactory_SetServerURL: {:?}",status);

    let mut conn: usize = 0;
    let status = tibemsConnectionFactory_CreateConnection(factory,&mut conn,CString::new(user).unwrap().as_ptr(),CString::new(password).unwrap().as_ptr());
    println!("tibemsConnectionFactory_CreateConnection: {:?}",status);

    let mut sess: usize = 0;
    let status = tibemsConnection_CreateSession(conn,&mut sess,tibems_bool::TIBEMS_FALSE,tibemsAcknowledgeMode::TIBEMS_AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
    println!("tibemsConnection_CreateSession: {:?}",status);

    let dest_str = "myqueue";
    let mut dest: usize = 0;
    let status = tibemsDestination_Create(&mut dest, tibemsDestinationType::TIBEMS_QUEUE, CString::new(dest_str).unwrap().as_ptr());
    println!("tibemsDestination_Create: {:?}",status);

    let mut producer: usize = 0;
    let status = tibemsSession_CreateProducer(sess,&mut producer,dest);
    println!("tibemsSession_CreateProducer: {:?}",status);

    let mut msg: usize = 0;
    let status = tibemsTextMsg_Create(&mut msg);
    println!("tibemsTextMsg_Create: {:?}",status);

    let content="hallo welt";
    let status = tibemsTextMsg_SetText(msg,CString::new(content).unwrap().as_ptr());
    println!("tibemsTextMsg_SetText: {:?}",status);

    let status = tibemsMsg_SetStringProperty(msg,CString::new("key").unwrap().as_ptr(),CString::new("val").unwrap().as_ptr());
    println!("tibemsMsg_SetStringProperty: {:?}",status);

    let status = tibemsMsgProducer_Send(producer, msg);
    println!("tibemsMsgProducer_Send: {:?}",status);
