1 stable release
2.137.3 | Nov 27, 2024 |
#897 in Cryptography
Rust API client for thorchain_rs
Thornode REST API.
This API client was generated by the OpenAPI Generator project. By using the openapi-spec from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.
- API version: 2.137.3
- Package version: 2.137.3
- Build package:
Put the package under your project folder in a directory named thorchain_rs
and add the following to Cargo.toml
under [dependencies]
thorchain_rs = { path = "./thorchain_rs" }
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to http://localhost
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
BlockApi | block | GET /thorchain/block | |
BorrowersApi | borrower | GET /thorchain/pool/{asset}/borrower/{address} | |
BorrowersApi | borrowers | GET /thorchain/pool/{asset}/borrowers | |
CloutApi | swapper_clout | GET /thorchain/clout/swap/{address} | |
HealthApi | ping | GET /thorchain/ping | |
InvariantsApi | invariant | GET /thorchain/invariant/{invariant} | |
InvariantsApi | invariants | GET /thorchain/invariants | |
LiquidityProvidersApi | liquidity_provider | GET /thorchain/pool/{asset}/liquidity_provider/{address} | |
LiquidityProvidersApi | liquidity_providers | GET /thorchain/pool/{asset}/liquidity_providers | |
MimirApi | mimir | GET /thorchain/mimir | |
MimirApi | mimir_admin | GET /thorchain/mimir/admin | |
MimirApi | mimir_key | GET /thorchain/mimir/key/{key} | |
MimirApi | mimir_node | GET /thorchain/mimir/node/{address} | |
MimirApi | mimir_nodes | GET /thorchain/mimir/nodes_all | |
NetworkApi | ban | GET /thorchain/ban/{address} | |
NetworkApi | constants | GET /thorchain/constants | |
NetworkApi | inbound_addresses | GET /thorchain/inbound_addresses | |
NetworkApi | lastblock | GET /thorchain/lastblock | |
NetworkApi | lastblock_chain | GET /thorchain/lastblock/{chain} | |
NetworkApi | network | GET /thorchain/network | |
NetworkApi | outbound_fee_asset | GET /thorchain/outbound_fee/{asset} | |
NetworkApi | outbound_fees | GET /thorchain/outbound_fees | |
NetworkApi | ragnarok | GET /thorchain/ragnarok | |
NetworkApi | upgrade_proposal | GET /thorchain/upgrade_proposal/{name} | |
NetworkApi | upgrade_proposals | GET /thorchain/upgrade_proposals | |
NetworkApi | upgrade_votes | GET /thorchain/upgrade_votes/{name} | |
NetworkApi | version | GET /thorchain/version | |
NodesApi | node | GET /thorchain/node/{address} | |
NodesApi | nodes | GET /thorchain/nodes | |
PoolSlipApi | poolslip | GET /thorchain/slip/{asset} | |
PoolSlipApi | poolslips | GET /thorchain/slips | |
PoolsApi | dpool | GET /thorchain/dpool/{asset} | |
PoolsApi | dpools | GET /thorchain/dpools | |
PoolsApi | pool | GET /thorchain/pool/{asset} | |
PoolsApi | pools | GET /thorchain/pools | |
QueueApi | queue | GET /thorchain/queue | |
QueueApi | queue_outbound | GET /thorchain/queue/outbound | |
QueueApi | queue_scheduled | GET /thorchain/queue/scheduled | |
QueueApi | queue_swap | GET /thorchain/queue/swap | |
QuoteApi | quoteloanclose | GET /thorchain/quote/loan/close | |
QuoteApi | quoteloanopen | GET /thorchain/quote/loan/open | |
QuoteApi | quotesaverdeposit | GET /thorchain/quote/saver/deposit | |
QuoteApi | quotesaverwithdraw | GET /thorchain/quote/saver/withdraw | |
QuoteApi | quoteswap | GET /thorchain/quote/swap | |
RunePoolApi | rune_pool | GET /thorchain/runepool | |
RunePoolApi | rune_provider | GET /thorchain/rune_provider/{address} | |
RunePoolApi | rune_providers | GET /thorchain/rune_providers | |
SaversApi | saver | GET /thorchain/pool/{asset}/saver/{address} | |
SaversApi | savers | GET /thorchain/pool/{asset}/savers | |
StreamingSwapApi | stream_swap | GET /thorchain/swap/streaming/{hash} | |
StreamingSwapApi | stream_swaps | GET /thorchain/swaps/streaming | |
TssApi | keygen_pubkey | GET /thorchain/keygen/{height}/{pubkey} | |
TssApi | keysign | GET /thorchain/keysign/{height} | |
TssApi | keysign_pubkey | GET /thorchain/keysign/{height}/{pubkey} | |
TssApi | metrics | GET /thorchain/metrics | |
TssApi | metrics_keygen | GET /thorchain/metric/keygen/{pubkey} | |
ThornamesApi | thorname | GET /thorchain/thorname/{name} | |
TradeAccountApi | trade_account | GET /thorchain/trade/account/{address} | |
TradeAccountsApi | trade_accounts | GET /thorchain/trade/accounts/{asset} | |
TradeUnitApi | trade_unit | GET /thorchain/trade/unit/{asset} | |
TradeUnitsApi | trade_units | GET /thorchain/trade/units | |
TransactionsApi | tx | GET /thorchain/tx/{hash} | |
TransactionsApi | tx_signers | GET /thorchain/tx/details/{hash} | |
TransactionsApi | tx_signers_old | GET /thorchain/tx/{hash}/signers | |
TransactionsApi | tx_stages | GET /thorchain/tx/stages/{hash} | |
TransactionsApi | tx_status | GET /thorchain/tx/status/{hash} | |
VaultsApi | asgard | GET /thorchain/vaults/asgard | |
VaultsApi | vault | GET /thorchain/vault/{pubkey} | |
VaultsApi | vault_pubkeys | GET /thorchain/vaults/pubkeys | |
VaultsApi | yggdrasil | GET /thorchain/vaults/yggdrasil |
Documentation For Models
- BanResponse
- BaseQuoteResponse
- BlockResponse
- BlockResponseHeader
- BlockResponseHeaderVersion
- BlockResponseId
- BlockResponseIdParts
- BlockTx
- BlockTxResult
- Borrower
- ChainHeight
- Coin
- ConstantsResponse
- DerivedPool
- InboundAddress
- InboundConfirmationCountedStage
- InboundFinalisedStage
- InboundObservedStage
- InvariantResponse
- InvariantsResponse
- Keygen
- KeygenBlock
- KeygenMetric
- KeygenResponse
- KeysignInfo
- KeysignMetrics
- KeysignResponse
- LastBlock
- LiquidityProvider
- LiquidityProviderSummary
- MetricsResponse
- MimirNodesResponse
- MimirVote
- MsgSwap
- NetworkResponse
- Node
- NodeBondProvider
- NodeBondProviders
- NodeJail
- NodeKeygenMetric
- NodePreflightStatus
- NodePubKeySet
- ObservedTx
- OutboundDelayStage
- OutboundFee
- OutboundSignedStage
- Ping
- PlannedOutTx
- Pol
- Pool
- PoolSlipResponseInner
- QueueResponse
- QuoteFees
- QuoteLoanCloseResponse
- QuoteLoanOpenResponse
- QuoteSaverDepositResponse
- QuoteSaverWithdrawResponse
- QuoteSwapResponse
- RunePoolResponse
- RunePoolResponseProviders
- RunePoolResponseReserve
- RuneProvider
- Saver
- StreamingStatus
- StreamingSwap
- SwapFinalisedStage
- SwapStatus
- SwapperCloutResponse
- Thorname
- ThornameAlias
- TradeAccountResponse
- TradeUnitResponse
- TssKeysignMetric
- TssMetric
- Tx
- TxDetailsResponse
- TxOutItem
- TxResponse
- TxSignersResponse
- TxStagesResponse
- TxStatusResponse
- UpgradeProposal
- UpgradeVote
- Vault
- VaultAddress
- VaultInfo
- VaultPubkeysResponse
- VaultRouter
- VersionResponse
- YggdrasilVault
To get access to the crate's generated documentation, use:
cargo doc --open
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