thiserror-impl is used at run time in 50,224 crates (of which 8,064 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 6 crates. It's used at build time in 668 crates (of which 246 optionally, ). It's used only as a dev dependency in 1,665 crates.

Number of dependers thiserror-impl version Downloads/month
8,870 2.0.12 8.1M
1 2.0.9 663K
1 2.0.6 858K
43,660 1.0.69 9.2M
2 1.0.67 71K
1 1.0.65 519K
1 1.0.64 1.5M
3 1.0.61 952K
1 1.0.56 1.3M
5 1.0.43 23K
3 1.0.40 273K
1 1.0.39 46K
2 1.0.38 163K
1 1.0.34 5.8K
1 1.0.32 64K
3 1.0.30 65K
1 1.0.26 68K
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) thiserror-impl version
24.1M 20974 thiserror =2.0.12
noerror =1.0.65
supply-chain-trust-example-crate-000043 =1.0.67
supply-chain-trust-example-crate-000042 =1.0.67
farcaster ^1.0.38
uuid64rs ^1.0.24