#template #engine #templo


This crate is a template engine for Templo tool to insert arguments inside of text files

3 unstable releases

0.2.0 Dec 14, 2021
0.1.5 Nov 7, 2021

#383 in Template engine

MIT license

643 lines

Templo Engine

Template engine for insert and modify variables inside of text files.


The input text can have some placeholders represented by "{> arg <}". These placeholders will be used to insert the arguments passed to the engine. The engine provides some native functions to manipulate the argument value as well.


class {> upper_first(class_name) <}:
    def __init__(self):
    self.name = '{> class_name <}'

obj = {> upper_first(class_name) <}()

print(f'The class name is {obj.name}')


use templo_engine::*;

// Getting the input text
let input_text = std::fs::read_to_string("./input.py").unwrap();

// The arguments
let arguments = vec![
    EngineArg {
        key: String::from("class_name"),
        value: String::from("dog"),
        value_type: EngineArgType::String,

// Inserting the arguments on text
let engine = Engine::new(arguments);
let text = engine.compile(input_text);

// writing the output file
std::fs::write("./output.py", text.unwrap()).unwrap();


class Dog:
    def __init__(self):
    self.name = 'dog'

obj = Dog()

print(f'The class name is {obj.name}')


~53K SLoC