1.0.3 May 20, 2020

#33 in #bump

MIT license


tbump: bump software releases










cargo install tbump

tbump in action

Here's what a typical usage of tbump looks like:

$ tbump 5.0.5
:: Bumping from 5.0.4 to 5.0.5
=> Would patch these files
- setup.py:14 version="5.0.4",
+ setup.py:14 version="5.0.5",
- tbump.toml:2 current = "5.0.4"
+ tbump.toml:2 current = "5.0.5"
=> Would run these hooks before commit
* (1/2) $ ./test.sh
* (2/2) $ grep -q 5.0.5 Changelog.rst
=> Would run these git commands
 * git add --update
 * git commit --message Bump to 5.0.5
 * git tag --annotate --message v5.0.5 v5.0.5
 * git push origin master
 * git push origin v5.0.5
=> Would run these hooks after push
* (1/1) $ ./publish.sh
:: Looking good? (y/N)
=> Patching files
=> Running hooks before commit
=> Making bump commit and push matching tags
=> Running hooks after push


First, run tbump init. This will create a tbump.toml file looking like this:

current = "1.2.41"
regex = '''

message_template = "Bump to {new_version}"
tag_template = "v{new_version}"

src = "setup.py"


  • The file uses toml syntax.
  • Some template must be contain placehords using curly brackets
  • Paths may contain unix-style globs, e.g. src = "a/**/script.?s" matches both a/b/script.js and a/b/c/script.ts.
  • The version regular expression will use the 'verbose' mode and can contain named groups (see below).

Once the tbump.toml file is ready, run something like:

$ tbump 1.2.42

tbump will:

  • Replace the string 1.2.41 by 1.2.42 in every file listed in the configuration
  • Make a commit based on the message_template.
  • Make an annotated tag based on the tag_template
  • Push the current branch and the tag.

Note that by default, tbump will display all the changes and stop to ask if they are correct before performing any action, allowing you to abort and re-try the bump if something is not right. You can use --non-interactive to disable this behavior.

If you only want to bump the files without performing any git actions or running the hook commands, use the --only-patch option.

Advanced configuration

Restricting the lines that are replaced

Sometimes you want to make sure only the line matching a given pattern is replaced. For instance, with the following package.json:

/* in package.json */
   "name": "foo",
   "version": "0.42",
   "dependencies": {
     "some-dep": "0.42",
     "other-dep": "1.3",

you'll want to make sure that when you bump from 0.42 to 0.43 that the line containing some-dep does not change.

In this case, you can set a search option in the file section:

# In tbump.toml

src = "package.json"
search = '"version": "{current_version}"'

Note that the search string is actually a full regular expression, except for the {current_version} marker which is substituted as plain text.

Using a custom version template

If you are using a version schema like 1.2.3-alpha-4, you may want to expose a variable that only contains the "public" part of the version string. (1.2.3 in this case).

To do so, add a version_template option in the file section. The names used in the format string should match the group names in the regular expression.

/* in version.js */

export FULL_VERSION = '1.2.3-alpha-4';
export PUBLIC_VERSION = '1.2.3';
src = "version.js"
version_template = "{major}.{minor}.{patch}"
search = "export PUBLIC_VERSION = '{current_version}'"

src = "version.js"
search = "export FULL_VERSION = '{current_version}'"

Running commands before commit

You can specify a list of hooks to be run after the file have changed, but before the commit is made and pushed.

This is useful if some of the files under version control are generated through an external program.

Here's an example:

name = "Check Changelog"
cmd = "grep -q {new_version} Changelog.rst"

The name is mandatory. The command will be executed via the shell, after the {new_version} placeholder is replaced with the new version.

Any hook that fails will interrupt the bump. You may want to run git reset --hard before trying again to undo the changes made in the files.

Running commands after push

You can specify a list of hooks to be run right after the tag has been pushed, using an `[[after_push]]`` section.

This is useful if you need the command to run on a clean repository, without un-committed changes, for instance to publish rust packages:

name = "Publish to crates.io"
cmd = "cargo publish"


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