32 releases (stable)
new 2.10.2 | Mar 27, 2025 |
2.9.0 | Feb 5, 2025 |
2.4.13 | Dec 24, 2024 |
2.4.11 | Nov 29, 2024 |
2.0.0-beta.1 | Feb 5, 2024 |
#83 in Hardware support
379 downloads per month
Tauri Plugin — SerialPort
A comprehensive plugin for Tauri applications to communicate with serial ports. This plugin provides a complete API for reading from and writing to serial devices, with support for various configuration options and control signals.
Table of Contents
- Installation
- Basic Usage
- Permissions
- API Reference
4.1. Port Discovery
4.2. Connection Management
4.3. Data Transfer
4.4. Port Configuration
4.5. Control Signals
4.6. Buffer Management - Common Use Cases
- Android Setup
- Contributing
- Development Setup
- Partners
- License
- Rust version 1.70 or higher
- Tauri 2.0 or higher
- Node.js and an npm-compatible package manager (npm, yarn, pnpm)
Installation Methods
Using crates.io and npm (Recommended)
# Install the Rust dependency
cargo add tauri-plugin-serialplugin
# Install JavaScript bindings
npm add tauri-plugin-serialplugin
# or
yarn add tauri-plugin-serialplugin
# or
pnpm add tauri-plugin-serialplugin
Basic Usage
Register the Plugin
// src-tauri/src/main.rs fn main() { tauri::Builder::default() .plugin(tauri_plugin_serialplugin::init()) .run(tauri::generate_context!()) .expect("error while running tauri application"); }
Configure Permissions
// src-tauri/capabilities/default.json { "$schema": "../gen/schemas/desktop-schema.json", "identifier": "default", "description": "Capability for the main window", "windows": ["main"], "permissions": [ "core:default", "serialplugin:default" ] }
Basic Example
import { SerialPort } from "tauri-plugin-serialplugin"; // List available ports const ports = await SerialPort.available_ports(); console.log("Available ports:", ports); // Open a port const port = new SerialPort({ path: "COM1", baudRate: 9600 }); await port.open(); // Write data await port.write("Hello, Serial Port!"); // Start port listening await port.startListening(); // Read data with event listener await port.listen((data) => { console.log("Received:", data); }); // Stop port listening await port.stopListening(); // Close port await port.close();
Below is a list of all permissions the plugin supports. Granting or denying them allows fine-grained control over what your application can do with serial ports.
Permission | Description |
serialplugin:allow-available-ports |
Allows listing of available serial ports |
serialplugin:deny-available-ports |
Denies listing of available serial ports |
serialplugin:allow-cancel-read |
Allows canceling of read operations |
serialplugin:deny-cancel-read |
Denies canceling of read operations |
serialplugin:allow-close |
Allows closing of serial ports |
serialplugin:deny-close |
Denies closing of serial ports |
serialplugin:allow-close-all |
Allows closing of all open serial ports |
serialplugin:deny-close-all |
Denies closing of all open serial ports |
serialplugin:allow-force-close |
Allows forcefully closing of serial ports |
serialplugin:deny-force-close |
Denies forcefully closing of serial ports |
serialplugin:allow-open |
Allows opening of serial ports |
serialplugin:deny-open |
Denies opening of serial ports |
serialplugin:allow-read |
Allows reading data from serial ports |
serialplugin:deny-read |
Denies reading data from serial ports |
serialplugin:allow-read-binary |
Allows reading binary data from serial ports |
serialplugin:deny-read-binary |
Denies reading binary data from serial ports |
serialplugin:allow-write |
Allows writing data to serial ports |
serialplugin:deny-write |
Denies writing data to serial ports |
serialplugin:allow-write-binary |
Allows writing binary data to serial ports |
serialplugin:deny-write-binary |
Denies writing binary data to serial ports |
serialplugin:allow-available-ports-direct |
Enables the available_ports_direct command without any pre-configured scope |
serialplugin:deny-available-ports-direct |
Denies the available_ports_direct command without any pre-configured scope |
serialplugin:allow-set-baud-rate |
Allows changing the baud rate of serial ports |
serialplugin:deny-set-baud-rate |
Denies changing the baud rate of serial ports |
serialplugin:allow-set-data-bits |
Allows changing the data bits configuration |
serialplugin:deny-set-data-bits |
Denies changing the data bits configuration |
serialplugin:allow-set-flow-control |
Allows changing the flow control mode |
serialplugin:deny-set-flow-control |
Denies changing the flow control mode |
serialplugin:allow-set-parity |
Allows changing the parity checking mode |
serialplugin:deny-set-parity |
Denies changing the parity checking mode |
serialplugin:allow-set-stop-bits |
Allows changing the stop bits configuration |
serialplugin:deny-set-stop-bits |
Denies changing the stop bits configuration |
serialplugin:allow-set-timeout |
Allows changing the timeout duration |
serialplugin:deny-set-timeout |
Denies changing the timeout duration |
serialplugin:allow-write-rts |
Allows setting the RTS (Request To Send) control signal |
serialplugin:deny-write-rts |
Denies setting the RTS control signal |
serialplugin:allow-write-dtr |
Allows setting the DTR (Data Terminal Ready) control signal |
serialplugin:deny-write-dtr |
Denies setting the DTR control signal |
serialplugin:allow-read-cts |
Allows reading the CTS (Clear To Send) control signal state |
serialplugin:deny-read-cts |
Denies reading the CTS control signal state |
serialplugin:allow-read-dsr |
Allows reading the DSR (Data Set Ready) control signal state |
serialplugin:deny-read-dsr |
Denies reading the DSR control signal state |
serialplugin:allow-read-ri |
Allows reading the RI (Ring Indicator) control signal state |
serialplugin:deny-read-ri |
Denies reading the RI control signal state |
serialplugin:allow-read-cd |
Allows reading the CD (Carrier Detect) control signal state |
serialplugin:deny-read-cd |
Denies reading the CD control signal state |
serialplugin:allow-bytes-to-read |
Allows checking the number of bytes available to read |
serialplugin:deny-bytes-to-read |
Denies checking the number of bytes available to read |
serialplugin:allow-bytes-to-write |
Allows checking the number of bytes waiting to be written |
serialplugin:deny-bytes-to-write |
Denies checking the number of bytes waiting to be written |
serialplugin:allow-clear-buffer |
Allows clearing input/output buffers |
serialplugin:deny-clear-buffer |
Denies clearing input/output buffers |
serialplugin:allow-set-break |
Allows starting break signal transmission |
serialplugin:deny-set-break |
Denies starting break signal transmission |
serialplugin:allow-clear-break |
Allows stopping break signal transmission |
serialplugin:deny-clear-break |
Denies stopping break signal transmission |
serialplugin:allow-start-listening |
Allows starting automatic port monitoring and data listening |
serialplugin:deny-start-listening |
Denies starting automatic port monitoring and data listening |
serialplugin:allow-stop-listening |
Allows stopping automatic port monitoring and data listening |
serialplugin:deny-stop-listening |
Denies stopping automatic port monitoring and data listening |
Granting All Permissions (Example)
"permissions": [
API Reference
Port Discovery
class SerialPort {
* Lists all available serial ports on the system
* @returns {Promise<{[key: string]: PortInfo}>} Map of port names to port information
* @example
* const ports = await SerialPort.available_ports();
* console.log(ports);
static async available_ports(): Promise<{ [key: string]: PortInfo }>;
* Lists ports using platform-specific commands for enhanced detection
* @returns {Promise<{[key: string]: PortInfo}>} Map of port names to port information
* @example
* const ports = await SerialPort.available_ports_direct();
static async available_ports_direct(): Promise<{ [key: string]: PortInfo }>;
* @description Lists all managed serial ports (ports that are currently open and managed by the application).
* @returns {Promise<string[]>} A promise that resolves to an array of port paths (names).
static async managed_ports(): Promise<string[]>;
Connection Management
class SerialPort {
* Opens the serial port with specified configuration
* @returns {Promise<void>}
* @throws {Error} If port is already open or invalid configuration
* @example
* const port = new SerialPort({ path: "COM1", baudRate: 9600 });
* await port.open();
async open(): Promise<void>;
* Closes the serial port connection
* @returns {Promise<void>}
* @throws {Error} If port is not open
* @example
* await port.close();
async close(): Promise<void>;
* Starts listening for data on the serial port
* @returns {Promise<void>} A promise that resolves when listening starts
* @throws {Error} If starting listener fails or port is not open
* @example
* await port.startListening();
* // Listen for data events
* port.listen((data) => {
* console.log("Data received:", data);
* });
async startListening(): Promise<void>;
* Stops listening for data on the serial port
* @returns {Promise<void>} A promise that resolves when listening stops
* @throws {Error} If stopping listener fails or port is not open
* @example
* await port.stopListening();
async stopListening(): Promise<void>;
* Forces a serial port to close regardless of its state
* @param {string} path Port path to force close
* @returns {Promise<void>}
* @example
* await SerialPort.forceClose("COM1");
static async forceClose(path: string): Promise<void>;
* Closes all open serial port connections
* @returns {Promise<void>}
* @example
* await SerialPort.closeAll();
static async closeAll(): Promise<void>;
Data Transfer
class SerialPort {
* Writes string data to the serial port
* @param {string} data Data to write
* @returns {Promise<number>} Number of bytes written
* @throws {Error} If write fails or port is not open
* @example
* const bytesWritten = await port.write("Hello");
async write(data: string): Promise<number>;
* Reads data from the serial port
* @param {ReadOptions} [options] Read options
* @returns {Promise<string>} A promise that resolves to a string
async read(options?: ReadOptions): Promise<string>;
* Reads binary data from the serial port
* @param {ReadOptions} [options] Read options
* @returns {Promise<Uint8Array>} A promise that resolves with binary data
async readBinary(options?: ReadOptions): Promise<Uint8Array>;
* Writes binary data to the serial port
* @param {Uint8Array | number[]} data Binary data to write
* @returns {Promise<number>} Number of bytes written
* @throws {Error} If write fails or port is not open
* @example
* const data = new Uint8Array([0x01, 0x02, 0x03]);
* const bytesWritten = await port.writeBinary(data);
async writeBinary(data: Uint8Array | number[]): Promise<number>;
* Sets up a listener for incoming data
* @param {(data: string | Uint8Array) => void} callback Function to handle received data
* @param {boolean} [decode=true] Whether to decode data as string (true) or return raw bytes (false)
* @returns {Promise<void>}
* @example
* await port.listen((data) => {
* console.log("Received:", data);
* });
async listen(callback: (data: string | Uint8Array) => void, decode?: boolean): Promise<void>;
Port Configuration
class SerialPort {
* Sets the baud rate
* @param {number} baudRate Speed in bits per second
* @returns {Promise<void>}
* @example
* await port.setBaudRate(115200);
async setBaudRate(baudRate: number): Promise<void>;
* Sets the number of data bits
* @param {DataBits} dataBits Number of bits per character (5-8)
* @returns {Promise<void>}
* @example
* await port.setDataBits(DataBits.Eight);
async setDataBits(dataBits: DataBits): Promise<void>;
* Sets the flow control mode
* @param {FlowControl} flowControl Flow control setting
* @returns {Promise<void>}
* @example
* await port.setFlowControl(FlowControl.Hardware);
async setFlowControl(flowControl: FlowControl): Promise<void>;
* Sets the parity checking mode
* @param {Parity} parity Parity checking mode
* @returns {Promise<void>}
* @example
* await port.setParity(Parity.None);
async setParity(parity: Parity): Promise<void>;
* Sets the number of stop bits
* @param {StopBits} stopBits Number of stop bits
* @returns {Promise<void>}
* @example
* await port.setStopBits(StopBits.One);
async setStopBits(stopBits: StopBits): Promise<void>;
Control Signals
class SerialPort {
* Sets the RTS (Request to Send) signal
* @param {boolean} level Signal level (true = high, false = low)
* @returns {Promise<void>}
* @example
* await port.writeRequestToSend(true);
async writeRequestToSend(level: boolean): Promise<void>;
* Sets the DTR (Data Terminal Ready) signal
* @param {boolean} level Signal level (true = high, false = low)
* @returns {Promise<void>}
* @example
* await port.writeDataTerminalReady(true);
async writeDataTerminalReady(level: boolean): Promise<void>;
* Reads the CTS (Clear to Send) signal state
* @returns {Promise<boolean>} Signal state
* @example
* const cts = await port.readClearToSend();
async readClearToSend(): Promise<boolean>;
* Reads the DSR (Data Set Ready) signal state
* @returns {Promise<boolean>} Signal state
* @example
* const dsr = await port.readDataSetReady();
async readDataSetReady(): Promise<boolean>;
* Reads the RI (Ring Indicator) signal state
* @returns {Promise<boolean>} Signal state
* @example
* const ri = await port.readRingIndicator();
async readRingIndicator(): Promise<boolean>;
* Reads the CD (Carrier Detect) signal state
* @returns {Promise<boolean>} Signal state
* @example
* const cd = await port.readCarrierDetect();
async readCarrierDetect(): Promise<boolean>;
Buffer Management
class SerialPort {
* Gets number of bytes available to read
* @returns {Promise<number>} Number of bytes in read buffer
* @example
* const available = await port.bytesToRead();
async bytesToRead(): Promise<number>;
* Gets number of bytes waiting to be written
* @returns {Promise<number>} Number of bytes in write buffer
* @example
* const pending = await port.bytesToWrite();
async bytesToWrite(): Promise<number>;
* Clears the specified buffer
* @param {ClearBuffer} buffer Buffer to clear
* @returns {Promise<void>}
* @example
* await port.clearBuffer(ClearBuffer.Input);
async clearBuffer(buffer: ClearBuffer): Promise<void>;
Common Use Cases
Reading Sensor Data
const port = new SerialPort({
path: "COM1",
baudRate: 9600
await port.open();
await port.listen((data) => {
const sensorValue = parseFloat(data);
console.log("Sensor reading:", sensorValue);
Binary Protocol Communication
const port = new SerialPort({
path: "COM1",
baudRate: 115200
await port.open();
// Send command
const command = new Uint8Array([0x02, 0x01, 0x03]);
await port.writeBinary(command);
// Read response (raw bytes)
await port.listen((data) => {
const response = data instanceof Uint8Array ? data : new Uint8Array();
console.log("Response:", response);
}, false);
Modbus Communication
const port = new SerialPort({
path: "COM1",
baudRate: 9600,
dataBits: DataBits.Eight,
stopBits: StopBits.One,
parity: Parity.None
await port.open();
function createModbusRequest(address: number, length: number): Uint8Array {
return new Uint8Array([
0x01, // Device ID
0x03, // Function code: Read Holding Registers
address >> 8, address & 0xFF,
length >> 8, length & 0xFF
// Send Modbus request
const request = createModbusRequest(0x1000, 10);
await port.writeBinary(request);
Android Setup
To use this plugin on Android, you need to add the JitPack repository to your project's build.gradle.kts
file located at /src-tauri/gen/android/build.gradle.kts
. Below is an example of how to configure it:
buildscript {
repositories {
// ...
maven { url = uri("https://jitpack.io") }
// ...
allprojects {
repositories {
// ...
maven { url = uri("https://jitpack.io") }
Pull requests are welcome! Please read our contributing guidelines before you start.
Development Setup
git clone https://github.com/s00d/tauri-plugin-serialplugin.git
cd tauri-plugin-serialplugin
pnpm i
pnpm run build
pnpm run playground
If you find this plugin valuable and would like to support further development, feel free to donate via DonationAlerts. Any contribution is greatly appreciated!
This code is dual-licensed under MIT or Apache-2.0, where applicable, © 2019–2023 Tauri Programme within The Commons Conservancy.
~1M SLoC