#swf-file #swf #header #parse #parser


A library for parsing the headers of a swf file

3 unstable releases

Uses old Rust 2015

0.2.0 Aug 29, 2015
0.1.2 Aug 20, 2015
0.1.1 Aug 20, 2015

#5 in #swf-file

MIT license

217 lines


A library for reading the headers of a swf file, and optionally for helping you read the rest of it, too.


extern crate swf_headers;

use std::io::Read; // Needed for calling read_to_end()

use swf_headers::SwfHeaders;
use swf_headers::Error as SwfError;
use swf_headers::DecodedSwf;

let (headers, mut decoded_swf) = SwfHeaders::open("example.swf").unwrap_or_else(|err| {
    match err {
        SwfError::IoError(_) => panic!("Oh no! An IO error!"),
        SwfError::NotSwf => panic!("Oh no! It wasn't actually a swf file!")

println!("The compression method is {:?}", headers.signature());
println!("The swf version is {}", headers.version());
println!("The file length in bytes is {}", headers.file_length());
println!("The dimensions in pixels are {:?}", headers.dimensions());
println!("The frame rate is {}", headers.frame_rate());
println!("And finally, the frame count is {}!", headers.frame_count());

let mut the_rest_of_the_swf: Vec<u8> = vec![];
decoded_swf.read_to_end(&mut the_rest_of_the_swf).ok().expect("Oh no! Error reading!");
// And then you can do whatever you want with the rest of the swf!


Testing is a pain when you have to test on proprietary blobs. See tests/README.md for more information.


Q: Why make a library for parsing swf files?

A: Why not? I had some experience with it, and I noticed there were no swf parsing tools on crates.io, so I identified my niche and ran with it.

Q: Does this really need to rely on two decompression libraries just to parse a header?

A: Sadly, yes. The swf spec is awful, so swf files usually end up with half the header compressed with either zlib or LZMA.

Q: Where's the swf spec?

A: Here. You'll probably want to read that through if you're planning on parsing the rest of the swf, but for understanding this library you just need the first chapter and page 27.

Q: Hey, I have some public domain swf files using weird flash settings, do you want them?

A: Sure! Test coverage is proving to be the hardest part of this whole ordeal, so I could always welcome small swf files to test with.

Q: Your code sucks. Can I fix it?

A: Also sure! Pull Requests are welcome.


~21K SLoC