1 stable release

1.0.0 Sep 5, 2022

#1426 in Filesystem


245 lines


Quickly add Syncthing's ignore patterns from the terminal.

Status: I consider this project to be "done". I'm really limited timewise, so expect only critical fixes (which are pretty unlikely) and no new features from me (PRs are always welcome).


From source: cargo install stignore --git https://github.com/Andrew-Morozko/stignore.git

Download precompiled binaries from the Releases page.

If you want stignore to appear in your package manager of choice – feel free to create a PR.


In all examples syncthing folder is located at /path_to/syncthing_folder/ and current working directory is /path_to/syncthing_folder/some/path/inside

By default stignore modifies your patterns like this:

stignore 'ba{r,z}/*.png' ./foo/ignore_me


So it does following unreadable thing: prepends the current working directory relative to syncthing folder's root to your patterns.

stignore is aware of (but does not validate) .stignore syntax:

stignore '// Comment' '(?d)**/.git' '#include extra_patterns.txt'

// Comment
#include /some/path/inside/extra_patterns.txt

To disable path prepending use --absolute option. It copies provided patterns as-is:

stignore --absolute '(?d)Thumbs.db' '(?d).DS_Store'


If you want to make sure that stignore will do what you expect – use --preview flag. stignore will print planned changes and ask you to confirm them.

stignore --absolute --preview (?d)Thumbs.db

Appending to /path_to/syncthing_folder/.stignore:
Proceed? (Y/n)

In case you want to reduce stignore's chattiness – provide --silent flag.


.stignore files are local to each machine, but I wanted my ignore patterns to be synchronized, so I created the following homebrew convention:

Shared ignore patterns are placed in .stignore_sync file (it is synced just like any other file), and I #include it in each local .stignore. This way pattern in .stignore_sync will be applied on all remote devices.

By default stignore looks for a #include .stignore_sync statement in .stignore file. If it's found – patterns are appended to .stignore_sync, otherwise – to .stignore.

You can override this behavior by supplying --target stignore or --target stignore_sync.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as below, without any additional terms or conditions.


© 2022 Andrew Morozko.

This project is licensed under either of

at your option.


~121K SLoC