#steganography #hiding #command-line-tool #image #command-line #binary-data #data-file

app stegano-cli

Hiding secret data with steganography in PNG images and WAV audio files

17 releases

0.5.3 Apr 12, 2023
0.5.2 Oct 6, 2022
0.5.1 Apr 18, 2022
0.5.0 Dec 9, 2021
0.3.1-beta.4 Mar 1, 2020

#171 in Images

49 downloads per month




License: GPL v3 Build Status dependency status codecov LOC

A cross-platform command line tool for steganography focused on performance and simplicity.




What is steganography?

In short, the art of hiding information in something (like a book, a image, a audio or even a video). speakerdeck You can find more information on my slides or checkout my talk on the rust meetup munich in june, 2020.


To install the stegano cli, you just need to run

 cargo install --force stegano-cli

(--force just makes it update to the latest stegano-cli if it's already installed)

Note the binary is called stegano (without -cli)

to verify if the installation went thru, you can run which stegano that should output similar to



stegano can be installed from available AUR packages using an AUR helper. For example,

 yay -S stegano


 stegano --help
Stegano CLI 0.4.0
Sven Assmann <sven.assmann.it@gmail.com>
Hiding secret data with steganography in PNG images and WAV audio files

    stegano [SUBCOMMAND]

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    help          Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    hide          Hides data in PNG images and WAV audio files
    unveil        Unveils data from PNG images
    unveil-raw    Unveils raw data in PNG images



 stegano hide --help
Hides data in PNG images and WAV audio files

    stegano hide [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --data <data file> --in <media file> --out <output image file>

        --x-force-content-version-2    Experimental: enforce content version 2 encoding (for backwards compatibility)
    -h, --help                         Prints help information
    -V, --version                      Prints version information

    -d, --data <data file>           File(s) to hide in the image
    -i, --in <media file>            Media file such as PNG image or WAV audio file, used readonly.
    -m, --message <text message>     A text message that will be hidden
    -o, --out <output image file>    Final image will be stored as file

Example with am Image PNG file

Let's illustrate how to hide a file like README.md, inside an image Base.png and save it as README.png:

 stegano hide --data README.md --in resources/plain/carrier-iamge.png --out README.png

The final result is then contained in the image README.png.

Pro TIP you can hide multiple files at once

here I'm using the shorthand parameters (--data, -d), (--in, -i), (--out, -o)

 stegano hide \
  -i resources/plain/carrier-image.png \
  -d resources/secrets/Blah.txt \
     resources/secrets/Blah-2.txt \
  -o secret.png

Hidden Feature you can use a .jpg for input and save it as .png

 stegano hide \
  -i resources/NoSecret.jpg \
  -d resources/secrets/Blah.txt \
  -o secret.png

Example with an Audio WAV file

 stegano hide \
  -i resources/plain/carrier-audio.wav \
  -d resources/secrets/Blah.txt \
     resources/secrets/Blah-2.txt \
  -o secret.wav

Example Hide short messages

Now let's assume we want to hide just a little text message in secret-text.png. So we would run:

 stegano hide \
  -i resources/NoSecrets.jpg \
  -m 'This is a super secret message' \
  -o secret-text.png


 stegano unveil --help
Unveils data from PNG images

    stegano unveil --in <image source file> --out <output folder>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -i, --in <image source file>    Source image that contains secret data
    -o, --out <output folder>       Final data will be stored in that folder

Example unveil from an Image PNG file

Let's unveil the README.md that we've hidden (just above) in README.png

 stegano unveil --in README.png --out ./

 file README.md
README.md: UTF-8 Unicode text

Example unveil short messages

Now let's unveil the message from above secret-text.png. So we would run:

 stegano unveil \
  -i secret-text.png \
  -o message

 cat message/secret-message.txt
This is a super secret message


 stegano unveil-raw --help
Unveils raw data in PNG images

    stegano unveil-raw --in <image source file> --out <output file>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -i, --in <image source file>    Source image that contains secret data
    -o, --out <output file>         Raw data will be stored as binary file

Example unveil raw data

Let's unveil the raw data of the README.md that we've hidden just above in README.png

 stegano unveil-raw --in README.png --out README.bin

The file README.bin contains all raw binary data unfiltered decoded by the LSB decoding algorithm. That is for the curious people, and not so much interesting for regular usage.


To contribute to stegano-rs you can either checkout existing issues labeled with good first issue or open a new issue and describe your problem.

Also every PR is welcome, just as a note of caution: at this very time the architecture and the API are still in flux and might change, so in any case I recommend opening an issue first to discuss a code contribution.



~189K SLoC