#raii #scopeguard #error-handling

no-std stated-scope-guard

A more flexible RAII pattern for stated resouce management

1 unstable release

0.1.0 May 8, 2024

#2742 in Rust patterns


74 lines

Stated Scope Guard

Scope guard is a practical usage of RAII (Resource Acquisition Is Initialization) to avoid resource leak, and stated scope guard is a more flexible RAII pattern for stated resouce management.

To use this crate, just add the following content in Cargo.toml:

stated-scope-guard = "0.1"


If you are familiar with RAII, feel free to skip this section.

For programming languages supporting contructor and destructor (for Rust, is new() and drop()), resource can be managed inside the ctor and dtor to avoid resource leak. For example, in POSIX environment, files can be opened by libc's open function, and shall be closed by libc's close function. If an opened is never closed, it may cause resource leak for a long-running application. To resolve this problem, we can encapsulate the file descriptor inside a Rust struct File. To create a File instance, we shall call its new method, in which the libc's open function is called, and the file descriptor is stored in the File structure. When the File instance leaves its scope, its drop method will be automatically called, inside which, the libc's close function is called with the store file descriptor. This pattern is called RAII, or Scope guard.

The best thing of scope guard is to make compiler to take the responsibility to make sure resource is managed properly. Resource management may drive developers crazy in old days in C, for example:

void every_fault_shall_be_handled(char *path) {
    int fd = open(path, O_RDONLY);
    if (fd == OPEN_FAILED) { return; }

    if (file_op_may_fail(fd) == FAILED) { close(fd); return; }

    int sock = socket(/* ... */);
    if (sock == OPEN_FAILED) { close(fd); return; }

    if (send_file_to_sock(fd, sock) == FAILED) {


When handling errors, the resource must be dealt carefully before each return, and in large projects such as Linux kernel, they tend to use goto err for resource cleanning.

With RAII in C++/Rust/Python/Java/..., each return means a scope ending, which will automatically call the destructor of remained instances, and the resource is just released with nothing to do for developers, great!

Stated resource management for error handling

Things become more complicated when we need stated resource management. Let's consider the following situation: the resources shall be reverted if any step failed, while if the whole steps succeed, the resources shall be preserved (not reverted) even after the program exits. For example:

fn setup() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let log_dir = LogDir::create()?;
    let user_account = UserAccount::create().inspect_err(|_| {
    let network = UserNetwork::create().inspect_err(|_|) {

In this situation, the traditional scope guard cannot work as expected, since resources like logdir need to always be deleted except all things go right. This problem can be further expanded as stated resource management, i.e., the resource is managed differently when dropped according to the state of function. For logdir, the state is either AllThingsGoRight or SomethingWrong. If SomethingWrong, we shall delete the logdir, and when AllThingsGoRight, we don't need to delete the logdir. Now, what can we do if there are many states and many resources to deal with?


To solve the stated resource management, we can use stated-scope-guard crate like this:

use stated_scope_guard::ScopeGuard;

struct Resource;
impl Resource { fn new() -> Self { Self }}

// Define the state enumerate
enum State {
    // ...

fn setup() {
    // The resource guard can be dereferenced into the resource passed in,
    // the callback will be called when resource_guard is dropped. The callback
    // is expected to deal with resource differently according to the state.
    let mut resource_guard = ScopeGuard::new(Resource::new(), State::State1, |res, state| {
        match state {
            State::State1 => { /* do something with res */ },
            State::State2 => { /* do something else with res */ },
            // ...
    // do something may throw.
    // ...
    // When throwed, the resource guard will deal with res with state State1
    // After this, when resource guard leaves its scope, the resource will be
    // dealt with state State2

The third argument passed to ScopeGuard is a callback which will be called when the scope guard is dropped. It takes current resource and state as parameter, and is expected to deal with the resource according to the state. When the state needs to be changed, we can use set_state to do so.

Dismissible scope guard

For a more common and simple situation, where there are only two states, and the default state action is to revert, the other is do nothing, which is just the case for logdir mentioned above, we provide DismissibleScopeGuard, which we can use it as:

use stated_scope_guard::dismissible::new_dismissible;

let mut log_dir_guard = new_dismissible(LogDir::new(), |log_dir| {

After calling dismiss, the callback will never be executed, so we don't need to check the state in the callback passed to new_dismissible, and in fact, there is no state variable exposed to user at all.

No runtime deps