#repository #git-repository #serve #html #settings #file #markdown

nightly app sserver

serve your repositories as webpages

4 stable releases

1.0.3 Sep 16, 2020
1.0.2 May 19, 2020
1.0.1 May 4, 2020
1.0.0 Mar 17, 2020

#420 in Template engine

MIT license

176 lines


To Do

  • remove settings.toml
  • more templates


  • git
  • rust - nightly version
  • make - not needed, but simplyfies the compilation


cargo build --release


Create a git repository with files to be served in it (html, markdown). Create a skeleton file inside your repo that has {} in place of markdown. Something along the lines of:

<!DOCTYPE html>

Edit the settings.toml file to make sure Sserver clones your repo with the right branch. Run Sserver.

To edit your site just edit your repository and your changes will be pulled by Sserver. A additional settings file can be added to your repository to further specify the routes.


Configuration is done in the settings.toml file.

  • index - corresponds to what you get when you GET your site's url
  • skeleton - a skeleton html file, required for markdown generation
  • response - optional, a file describing additional settings; note that this implies that a route must be set or your file won't be served.


  • url - url of your git repo
  • branch - the branch that should be used

response format

uri = "readme"
file = "README.md"

This will respond with the README.md to GET to readme. Note that readme != /readme since / implies root.

Supported file types

Sserver is able to serve any of the following file types:

  • markdown
  • html
  • css
  • jpg, png, ico
  • raw text
  • any executable file - stdout is returned as html


Run with -p <port_number> to run Sserver on specific port (8000 is the default).


~359K SLoC