#text #print #terminal #display #cli


A small library for printing texts slowly which gives scrolling effect to the texts shown

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Sep 25, 2021

#997 in Command-line interface

MIT license

53 lines


A small library for printing texts slowly which gives scrolling effect to the texts shown.


To install slowprint, please run the following command :

cargo install slowprint


We can import/use slowprint library functions in either of the three ways:

  1. Import all functions of slowprint library crate into our local namespace. Example : use slowprint::*;

  2. Import only required functions of slowprint library crate into our local namespace. Example : use slowprint::slow_println; to use slow_println function.

  3. Use fully qualified name to use any method of slowprint library crate. Example: use slowprint; and then we can call method println of slowprint crate like this slowprint::println("Hello, World");.

As per the standards, third way is the preferred way, but other ways make it easier to use methods of crate/library repeatedly.

Some examples are provided below for user's references.

Example 1

Use the default delay time to print slowly.

use slowprint::print;

print("Hello, Rust.");
print(&"Hello, Rust.".to_string());
print(&String::from("Hello, Rust."));

Example 2

Use the default delay time to print slowly with newline added at the end.

use slowprint::println;

println("Hello, Rust.");
println(&"Hello, Rust.".to_string());
println(&String::from("Hello, Rust."));

Example 3

Pass the delay time to print slowly.

use slowprint::slow_print;

let delay = std::time::Duration::from_millis(200);
slow_print("Hello, Rust.", delay);
slow_print(&"Hello, Rust.".to_string(), delay);
slow_print(&String::from("Hello, Rust."), delay);

Example 4

Pass the delay time to print slowly with newline added at the end.

use slowprint::slow_println;

let delay = std::time::Duration::from_millis(200);
slow_println("Hello, Rust.", delay);
slow_println(&"Hello, Rust.".to_string(), delay);
slow_print(&String::from("Hello, Rust."), delay);

No runtime deps