#definition #convert #macro #struct #slang #style #slang-include

macro slang_struct

Macro that converts Slang style struct definitions into rust structs

2 releases

0.0.2 Jan 1, 2025
0.0.1 Dec 29, 2024

#2159 in Procedural macros

Used in cobra-rhi

MIT license

128 lines


Often times when writing graphics code in c++ it's very nice to share struct definitions in a common file that's included both in shaders and host code. Slang has compatiable enough syntax for structs and preprocessor macros with c++ to allow this to happen seamlessly but for Rust you usually have to just duplicate the struct definitions. This crate aims to provides some procedual macros to make this process possible.


The first macro this crate provides is slang_struct, this macro takes a variant number of structs written in Slang style and converts them to rust style structs.

For example:

slang_struct! {
  struct Example
    float3 foo;
    uint32_t bar;

Creates this struct in place

#[derive(Clone, Copy, Default)]
pub struct Example {
  foo: [f32; 3],
  bar: u32

Currently the built in types it converts are int8_t, uint8_t, int16_t, uint16_t, int32_t, uint32_t, int, uint, int64_t, uint64_t, float, float2, float3, float4, and float4x4. Pointer types such as float3* are converted to u64.

You can also of course use other structs but they must be provided in some way, either directly in the same macro or seperate definitons in Rust and Slang side. Notable this macro currently only works with struct definitions one after the other, if theres any other code (including macros, method definitions, or visibility modifiers) then this macro won't work. Potentially some of this syntax will be allowed in the future but not currenlty.

The other potentially more useful macro is slang_include which takes the content of a file relative to the working directly and passes it to slang_struct

So if you have a file called include.inl with the contents of

struct Vertex
  float3 position;
  float2 uv;

struct DrawPush
  Vertex* vertices;
  float4x4 viewProj;

And you do slang_include!("include.inl") in rust then it'll put

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Default]
struct Vertex {
  position: [f32; 3]
  uv: [f32; 2]

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Default]
struct DrawPush {
  vertices: u64,
  viewProj: [f32; 16]

Optional features

  • glam - Converts vector and matrix types to glam types instead of float arrays (e.g. float3 becomes glam::Vec3).
  • bytemuck - Derives bytemuck::Pod and bytemuck::Zeroable for structs made by this macro.

Note: This crate does not include those packages by itself for the sake of scalability. You must add these dependencies seperately.


~70K SLoC