#chess #fen #lichess #input #routes #position

app serveft

Serve antecedent openings for a FEN payload

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Sep 30, 2023

#731 in HTTP server


367 lines



Fentrail is a set of tools (Rust library, CLI, and HTTP server) to investigate possible routes a chess game can traverse to reach a specific position. The system's workflow is composed of two separate components. First, using the CLI, a key-value store is generated by processing a user-provided games database in PGN format. Second, the generated store is queried either via HTTP requests or from the command line through FEN inputs.


Assuming you have Rust installed, the fentrail CLI and the serveft HTTP server can be installed from https://crates.io:

cargo install fentrail
cargo install serveft


The two CLI sub-commands along with their options and arguments are documented with the provided --help flags.

$ fentrail --help
Usage: fentrail <command> [<args>]

Build and query opening lookup tables for chess positions.

  --help            display usage information

  pack              Initiate or populate KV-stores.
  ask               Inquire a store about a specific position.

$ fentrail pack --help
Usage: fentrail pack <pgn> [-d <depth>] [-e <ecotsv>] [-o <outdir>]

Initiate or populate KV-stores.

Positional Arguments:
  pgn               path to the game database in PGN format

  -d, --depth       moves from each side to process in a game [default: 12]
  -e, --ecotsv      path to a tsv file to be used as an ECO
  -o, --outdir      directory to store the fentrail database [default: $PWD]
  --help            display usage information

$ fentrail ask --help
Usage: fentrail ask <fen> [-s <store>]

Inquire a store about a specific position.

Positional Arguments:
  fen               FEN string to query

  -s, --store       path to the fentrail database [default: $PWD/fentrail.redb]
  --help            display usage information

The pack command does not overwrite an existing store, rather it adds unseen (position, opening) pairs from fresh PGN inputs. You can always manually delete the old database before invoking pack if that suits your use case(s).

If you wish to provide a custom ECO for pack, it must be a TSV file with at least two columns - name, and pgn. You can check out the bundled ECO as an example.

The serveft command does not take any additional arguments - rather it can be configured with env vars.

  • SERVEFT_PORT: port through which the HTTP requests are served - default 8000
  • SERVEFT_STORE: path to the fentrail database for querying - default $PWD/fentrail.redb

Once running, you can send POST requests to the server with FEN payloads.

SERVEFT_PORT=3000 SERVEFT_STORE=/var/db/fentrail.redb serveft &
curl -sS -d 'rnbq1rk1/ppp1ppbp/3p1np1/8/2PPP3/2N2N1P/PP3PP1/R1BQKB1R b KQ - 0 6' 



Each package belonging to the Fentrail workspace is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Refer to the COPYING file for details.


~264K SLoC