#struct #serialization #serde #extract #framework #deserializer #deserialize


Enables remapping two structs using the Serde framework

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Dec 22, 2022

#1986 in Encoding


588 lines


Crates.io License

Enables turning a value that has Serialize into a Deserializer

Effectively this enables extracting a struct that implements Deserialize from a struct that implements Serialize.



struct Source<'a> {
	a: &'a str,
	b: u32,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde_derive::Deserialize)]
struct Extract {
	b: u32,
	Extract { b: 3 },
	serde_extract::extract(&Source { a: "hello", b: 3 }).unwrap(),

More realistic example

Let's say we're in a scenario where we want to implement an SDK where results are paginated, we only need to send the original query once, but we need to re-send page_size if it was provided in the original query. Since the code that manages pagination has no knowledge of the underlying struct, and because adding a page_size argument to our make_paginated_request function would be very un-ergonomic because (let's say) it would be very rarely used and it's nicer to specify it in the same struct as the rest of the query parameters, this is a good use-case for this crate.

// This will be our original query
struct SomeSpecificRequest {
	field_a: &'static str,
	page_size: usize,

// Let's say make_request is our generic function that makes a call to the server
make_paginated_request(&SomeSpecificRequest {
	field_a: "hello!",
	page_size: 2,
.expect("Failed to make request");

fn make_paginated_request<S: serde::Serialize>(
	serializable: &S,
) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
	struct MaybePageSize {
		page_size: Option<usize>,
	// We will reuse the page size for the subsequent paginated requests if it was
	// provided in the original query, so we need to extract it
	let page_size_for_this_request =
		serde_extract::extract::<MaybePageSize, _>(serializable)?.page_size;
	// this works:
	assert_eq!(page_size_for_this_request, Some(2));
	// Make request...


  • Sequences are not supported for now (although support could theoritically be added, algorithmic complexity of generated code would be O(n²) where n is the number of elements in the sequence because we would need to re-drive the Serializer for each element called for by the Visitor through MapAccess)
  • For the same reason, deserializing into maps is currently unsupported. Specifically, currently we can only extract struct fields if the fields names are hinted by deserialize_struct. (This enables driving the Serializer only as many times as there are fields to extract. In practice if both sides are regular structs, the optimizer probably turns that into zero-cost extraction. In theory again, support for deserializing into maps could be added with O(n²) complexity where n is the number of input fields.)

