serde_bencode is used at run time in 26 crates (of which 5 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 17 crates.

Number of dependers serde_bencode version Downloads/month
25 0.2.4 16K
1 0.1.3 0
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) serde_bencode version
8.6K 3 mainline ^0.2.4
330 2 aquatic_http_protocol ^0.2
320 torrust-index ^0
220 web5-rust ^0.2.4
110 1 c2rust-transpile ^0.2
nreplops-tool ^0.2
qbfrt ^0.2.4
rustydht-lib ^0.2.3
torrust-index-backend ^0.2.3
torrust-tracker ^0
cratetorrent ^0.2
reserde ^0.2.2
xerus ^0.2.4
torrentinfo ^0.2.0
mainline-dht ^0.2.3
parse_torrent ^0.1.3
rusty_torrent ^0.2.3