
Convert roxmltree documents into Serde-compatible types

19 releases

0.8.3 Jul 20, 2024
0.8.1 May 26, 2024
0.7.0 Feb 10, 2024
0.6.1 Aug 15, 2023
0.4.0 Nov 21, 2022

#345 in Encoding

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962 lines


Convert roxmltree documents into Serde-compatible types


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Convert roxmltree documents into serde-compatible types

Owned types can be deserialized directly from XML text using from_str:

use serde::Deserialize;
use serde_roxmltree::from_str;

struct Record {
    field: String,

let record = from_str::<Record>("<record><field>foobar</field></record>")?;
assert_eq!(record.field, "foobar");

Borrowing types must be deserialized from a Document using from_doc:

use roxmltree::Document;
use serde::Deserialize;
use serde_roxmltree::from_doc;

struct Record<'a> {
    field: &'a str,

let document = Document::parse("<document><field>foobar</field></document>")?;

let record = from_doc::<Record>(&document)?;
assert_eq!(record.field, "foobar");

Fields of structures map to child elements and attributes:

use serde::Deserialize;
use serde_roxmltree::from_str;

struct Record {
    child: String,
    attribute: i32,

let record = from_str::<Record>(r#"<record attribute="42"><child>foobar</child></record>"#)?;
assert_eq!(record.child, "foobar");
assert_eq!(record.attribute, 42);

Sequences collect repeated child elements:

use serde::Deserialize;
use serde_roxmltree::from_str;

struct Record {
    field: Vec<String>,

let record = from_str::<Record>("<record><field>foo</field><field>bar</field></record>")?;
assert_eq!(record.field, ["foo", "bar"]);

Enum variants describe alternatives:

use serde::Deserialize;
use serde_roxmltree::from_str;

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Deserialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "lowercase")]
enum Record {

let record = from_str::<Record>("<record><float>42.0</float></record>")?;
assert_eq!(record, Record::Float(42.0));

let record = from_str::<Record>("<record><integer>23</integer></record>")?;
assert_eq!(record, Record::Integer(23));

The reserved name $text is used to directly refer to the text within an element:

use serde::Deserialize;
use serde_roxmltree::from_str;

struct Record {
    child: Child,

struct Child {
    #[serde(rename = "$text")]
    text: String,
    attribute: i32,

let record = from_str::<Record>(r#"<record><child attribute="42">foobar</child></record>"#)?;
assert_eq!(record.child.text, "foobar");
assert_eq!(record.child.attribute, 42);

Optionally, attribute names can be prefixed by @ to distinguish them from tag names:

use serde::Deserialize;
use serde_roxmltree::{defaults, from_str, Options};

struct Record {
    child: String,
    #[serde(rename = "@attribute")]
    attribute: i32,

let record = defaults().prefix_attr().from_str::<Record>(r#"<record attribute="42"><child>foobar</child></record>"#)?;
assert_eq!(record.child, "foobar");
assert_eq!(record.attribute, 42);

Support for namespaces can be enabled via the namespaces option:

use serde::Deserialize;
use serde_roxmltree::{defaults, from_str, Options};

let text = r#"<record xmlns:foo="http://foo" xmlns:bar="http://bar">

struct SomeRecord {
    qux: Vec<i32>,

let record = from_str::<SomeRecord>(text)?;
assert_eq!(record.qux, [23, 42]);

struct AnotherRecord {
    #[serde(rename = "{http://foo}qux")]
    some_qux: i32,
    #[serde(rename = "{http://bar}qux")]
    another_qux: i32,

let record = defaults().namespaces().from_str::<AnotherRecord>(text)?;
assert_eq!(record.some_qux, 23);
assert_eq!(record.another_qux, 42);


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