2 releases
Uses old Rust 2015
0.1.1 | Oct 8, 2018 |
0.1.0 | Sep 29, 2018 |
#1254 in Encoding
serde-fressian = "0.1.1"

Fressian is a self-describing binary serialization format developed for clojure.
When compiled for WebAssembly, serde-fressian can be used to convey rich values to and from clojurescript.
serde-fressian has 2 companion projects:
- fress
- an implementation of Fressian for clojurescript designed to interface with serde-fressian's wasm api from javascript.
- cargo-cljs
- a clojurescript library for scripting cargo via nodejs
- No records, BIGINT, BIGDEC, OBJECT_ARRAY, char
- No caching except for the types that require it
- No checksum/validation
- serde::fressian::value needs own Deserializer/Serializer impls, indexing, identity predicates
- plenty of wasm specific optimizations yet to implement
serde-fressian tries to follow the standard serde conventions. Deserializers can accept readers, vecs, and slices. Serializers at this time however only support writing to vecs.
use serde_fressian::ser;
use serde_fressian::de;
let write_data: Vec<String> = vec!["some".to_string(), "strings".to_string()];
let bytes: Vec<u8> = ser::to_vec(&data).unwrap();
// this is strongly typed deserialization
let read_data: Vec<String> = de::from_vec(&bytes).unwrap();
If you know ahead of time what the bytes are going to contain, you can use strongly typed deserialization to extract your values. This is less flexible but is very fast. If you are unsure of the content, serde_fressian::value::Value
is an enum encompassing all fressian types and will deserialize values as they are described.
use serde_fressian::ser;
use serde_fressian::de;
use serde_fressian::value::{Value};
let write_data: Vec<String> = vec!["some".to_string(), "strings".to_string()];
let bytes: Vec<u8> = ser::to_vec(&data).unwrap();
// this is weakly typed deserialization
let read_data: Value = de::from_vec(&bytes).unwrap();
// Value::LIST(vec![Value::STRING("some".to_string()),Value::STRING("strings".to_string())])
assert_eq!(read_data, Value::from(write_data))
Wasm API
The serde_fressian::wasm
module is designed to interop with fress.wasm
use serde_fressian::error::{Error as FressError};
use serde_fressian::value::{self, Value};
use serde_fressian::wasm::{self};
// called by javascript with ptr to written bytes
pub extern "C" fn echo(ptr: *mut u8, len: usize) -> *mut u8
// read a value from javascript
let val: Result<Value, FressError> = wasm::from_ptr(ptr, len);
// from_ptr borrows, Value copies. So must own and free bytes separately
wasm::fress_dealloc(ptr, len);
//serializes the result, hands ownership of resulting bytes over to js
For my own sanity, most documentation will be over at fress
About Fressian
Fressian was designed by Stuart Halloway and the good people of Cognitect. There is a clojure wrapper here. There is a design talk here.
~58K SLoC