#bloom-filter #cat #seahash


Yet Another Bloom Filter, this one using seahash

1 unstable release

Uses old Rust 2015

0.1.0 Nov 30, 2016

#80 in #cat

Download history 3/week @ 2024-09-18 5/week @ 2024-09-25 5/week @ 2024-10-02 1/week @ 2024-10-30

66 downloads per month

ISC license

249 lines


Yet Another Bloom Filter, this one using seahash.

Build Status cargo


extern crate seabloom;

let mut filter = Seabloom::create(2000);

assert_eq!(filter.has("cat"), false);
assert_eq!(filter.has("cat"), true);

filter.add_list(vec!["cat", "jaguar", "lion", "tiger", "leopard"]);
assert_eq!(filter.has("caracal"), false);
assert_eq!(filter.has("jaguar"), true);

assert_eq!(filter.has("cat"), false);


Seabloom::create(item_count: u32) -> Seabloom

Create a Bloom filter sized for the given item count with an error rate of 0.5% (0.005). Seeds for the hashing functions will be generated randomly for you.

Seabloom::create_optimal(item_count: u32, error_rate: f32) -> Seabloom

Create a Bloom filter sized for the given item count with the specified error rate. Seeds for the hashing functions will be generated randomly for you.

Seabloom::create_random_seeds(bitcount: u64, hashcount: u32) -> Seabloom

Create a Bloom filter with the given number of bits for storage and the given number of hashing functions. Seeds for the hashing functions will be generated randomly for you. You probably don't want to use this function; use create instead.

Seabloom::new(bitcount: u64, seeds: Vec<u64>) -> Seabloom

Create a Bloom filter with the given number of bits for storage and hashing functions using the seeds you provide. You need 4x the number of seeds as hashing functions for seahash's current API.


Clear the filter.

filter.add(item: &str)

Add a string to the filter.

filter.add_bytes(bytes: &[u8])

Add an item represented by the given bytes to the filter.

filter.add_list(items: Vec<&str>)

Add a list of strings to the filter.

filter.has(item: &str) -> bool

Check to see if the given string is in the filter. Provides a definitive no or a maybe-yes.

filter.has_bytes(bytes: &[u8]) -> bool

Check to see if the given pile-o-bytes is in the filter. Provides a definitive no or a maybe-yes.



